chapter eight

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a family affair

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a family affair

"You should know, uh I love kids."

Buck bounced his knee and drummed his fingers on his lap in the waiting room with Sasha. He picked her up to accompany her for an ultrasound appointment. Since meeting at Molly's café to discuss about their co-parenting situation, they've begun to spend more time with each other. Considering they were going to be in each other's lives until the end of time. He took every chance on his days off from his 24 hours shifts to hang out with Sasha who found it thoughtful of him.

One of the occasions, the two went to the bookstore to select parenting and baby books as first time parents. They would sit lay out on a blanket at the park and read them. Buck still lived under Chimney's roof, and he did not want any of his colleagues to know yet. While Sasha lived with Athena who she has not told either. However, today marked the day where they would entail her aunt after the appointment.

A slight giggle slipped out of Sasha's lips, quirking her brow. "I think I noted that when you decided to be in this baby's life." She observed his anxious behavior since arriving inside his Jeep.

"Sorry, I'm kind of nervous for some reason." He coolly breathed out.

She pursed her lips together, "Is it seeing little bean and hearing their heartbeat or the fact we're telling my aunt Athena later?" She inquired before glancing down at the growing four month bump. Still small yet wearing a tight shirt or dress would show it.

"Possibly both, and little bean?"

"Just a cute nickname. Why? Do you have a nickname?"

He shrugged, "I thought baby Buck or Buckley." His mouth curved into a sly smirk entertaining those nicknames.

"You mean, Carter-Buckley. I procreated and am carrying this baby, you know." Sasha glared.

"Fine, little bean it is." He chuckled a little, surrendering. "Speaking of names, if it's a boy-"

Already knowing where this is going, she protested. "No, we're not naming this baby after you." She said in a firm tone. "Or Buck."

"What's wrong with Buck?" He spared an offended look.

Their conversation was dismissed once the nurse called Sasha's name. Buck trailed after Sasha and the nurse, guiding them into a room. After getting situated, Dr. Jennings emerged into the room beaming at the duo. Buck briefly introduced himself before watching Dr. Jennings turned on the ultrasound machine. His eyes carefully observed the cold gel squeezed on top of Sasha's bare bump where the ultrasound wand hovered.

The sound of the heartbeat bounced the walls causing Buck's eyes to go berserk in disbelief. Sasha stifled a laugh at his reaction with Dr. Jennings. She calmly explained the heartbeat to pointing out the growing fetus on the screen. When Buck spotted the baby that'll be coming into the world in five months- he was immediately starstruck. His lips parted as heavily breathed to feel warmth spread inside his heart. Acknowledging that this moment couldn't be anything better he experienced in his life.

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