chapter three

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the 7

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the 7.1 earthquake

Sasha arrived at the 9-1-1 operating call center that morning for another normal shift. Before she would be attending calls to civilians are in need of emergency medical assistance, a meeting would be held with her supervisor Sue Blevins. With the changes of her life that is contributed by this pregnancy, Sasha should at least notify Sue early on for someone to fill in her chair when she goes out for maternity leave.

Upon stepping out of the elevator, she noticed the group of new 9-1-1 operators dressed in their maroon shirts. Today would be the one where they shadow the 9-1-1 operators before taking the wheel in steering the immense amount of calls. Sasha remembered when she shadowed under Josh, however, Josh found himself impressed by Sasha's swiftness through the calls- a natural he called her.

"Sasha!" Sue called out the young woman once catching sight of her. "I'm glad I caught you. Would it be okay if we talked after your shift instead? I have another meeting that came up after situating the new operators for this shadowing day."

"Of course, I don't mind, Sue." Sasha assured with a smile. "Thanks for letting me know." She bid her goodbye to her supervisor before heading into the locker room.

By the time she reached inside the room, Josh was fixing his shirt. Sasha briefly greeted him as she inserted the combination to her locker. "Hey, are you going to have your meeting with Sue? Or, did you have it already?" He walked over.

"I was supposed to before shift started but she just came up to ask if it's fine to talk afterwards."

"Are you nervous?" He inquired.

Sasha reverted back to him after storing her bag in the locker, humming out. "A little. I mean, dropping this news is like a bombshell especially to your boss. And, this one leads to another which is my aunt Athena." She sharply inhaled at the thought. "Don't get me started how my grandma Beatrice will react either."

Fortunately for Sasha, her grandmother lives back in Florida.

"Well, we both know Sue's reaction will be the less of your worries." Aside accommodating protocols as a supervisor for this situation, Sue treated everyone like family with her genuine heart. They were her kids is what she likes to say. "Family is family, regardless of their reactions- a baby always brings in comfort for being pure joy of new life."

Sasha lets out a scoff, "True. Sometimes I wish I was a mind reader though or psychic to get a glimpse of their reactions." They walked out of the locker room. "Anyways, who are you shadowing today?"

"Her name is Maddie Kendall. Hopefully she's able to take on the reins today." He commented.

"You're a great mentor, so she'll be in good hands with you." Sasha enlightened, lightly patting his back.

"Are you having anyone for the shadowing?"

She shook her head, "Nope, missed the cut by one person. Good luck." She waved him off as they departed each other's side. Josh had gone to meet the newbie while she went to her station to begin her shift.

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