chapter four

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lifting the weight off the shoulders

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lifting the weight off the shoulders

"Sheesh, who knew Maddie would be a beast at a game charades. I want her on my team next time." Yasmin and Sasha walked out of the café in the midst of their shopping day together. Since returning from a work conference in New York, Yasmin always entertains some retail therapy after working nonstop.

Sasha laughed in agreement, carrying her shopping bags. "Well, she did give a fair warning. If you want to have her on your team, you'll have to fight me. Maddie and I already have great chemistry, something that you and Josh need to work on." She teasingly stuck her tongue out at the sore loser of game night.

They had their usual game nights every other week with Josh and now Maddie, who Sasha invited to easily settle in the city with some new friends. Game nights were usual hosted by Yasmin at her apartment, that was the first night Yasmin met Maddie and instantly grew fond of her after that night. Sasha couldn't be more relieved to have Maddie as her partner that night.

Yasmin scoffed, "Maddie isn't your property, so, I can just ask her." Her phone rang in her back pocket before Sasha could reply. She pulled out her phone to check the message, Sasha halted by her best friend's side to see an amused look form on her face.

"Who texted you?" Sasha plopped a piece of the sugary cinnamon roll into her mouth.

"This guy I hooked up from the New York conference. He wants to meet up." She curved a smirk upon her lips, dropping her phone into her purse. "And, don't worry we definitely used protection unlike others." She side eyed her pregnant best friend.

Sasha playfully shoved Yasmin and hissed, "Okay, we were drunk and I was an idiot for trusting another for the one time. You and Josh are never going to let this down, huh?" She pouted her lips.

"Unfortunately not, babe." Yasmin's hand held Sasha's chin. "As much as I'll love that little bean you're growing for the next couple of months, it's a bit fun to poke at you and your recklessness to not keep it in your pants." She pecked her cheek as Sasha couldn't deny the truth in which ended her up in this position.

"Lucky for you, I won't be drinking nor hooking up with anyone for the next couple of months or year." Sasha mused as they strolled down the plaza to find themselves nearing a Sprinkles place. Her eyes widened at the sight of the cupcake establishment as her cravings heightened at the thought of dessert. "Ooh! Let's go in there!" She exclaimed, practically drooling.

Yasmin followed her gaze, "You just finished your cinnamon roll, Sasha. Isn't that enough sugar for you and the baby today?" She questioned.

Sasha shared a dumbfounded look, "Are you really going to question your pregnant friend's uncontrollable cravings?" She deadpanned, tilting her head in which Yasmin instantly surrendered. "Besides, I thought I should get one for aunt Athena's promotion for the  Lieutenant position."

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