chapter twenty three

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the truth hurts

"Say goodbye to Ms. Carter!"

"Bye Ms. Carter!"

Chorus of goodbyes voiced by the group of children beaming at the woman on their way out, guided by the nurses. Sasha's heart swelled as she waved back and shared a bright smile at the giddy children. Now alone in the room, her eyes fell onto the stack of the colorful hand-crafted cards to welcome her back. 

Today marked her first time leading an art therapy session with the young patients at the hospital. She enjoyed spending two hours reuniting with familiar faces along with meeting new ones. Nurse Joy and Dawn had anticipated her return to see pictures of Monet after the new mother's absence in the last couple of months.

Sasha stored the cards into her bag when a notification dinged from her phone. She reached inside her back pocket to see an incoming text message from her boyfriend. The moment she opened it; she rolled her eyes as tiny giggles uttered from her lips.

Barely typing a response to message, Buck's contact popped up for an incoming call. The phone been placed against her ear once accepting.

"Hey babe, did you get the picture."

"Yes, I did."

"Isn't it funny?"

She tried to refrain from laughing by his enthusiastic tone. "Yes, I love that you find humor in how small our daughter is by placing your sunglasses on her face." She voiced in a sarcasm.

No doubt his face would deflate from her response which deemed to be funnier than the picture.

"Whatever. She does look cute, though." Buck cooed at his daughter in the stroller.

"Of course! Cutest baby in the world." Sasha muttered, moving around the room to clean up and pack. "So, what are you two up to?"

"We are having brunch with Eddie and Christopher." Buck mentioned, spotting his best friend flagging him down outside of the entrance of the restaurant. "Probably walk around and go back to his place for a little bit. Depending how Monet will feel by then. What about you?"

Sasha zipped up a bag. "Well, I finished class right now. My aunt Ashley will be taking me out for brunch as well. Then we'll likely go back to the studio to put our equipment away."

"I guess we'll see each other at home then." 

The couple finished their conversation and hung up by the time Ashley entered the room. She assisted her niece with the equipment to head out of the hospital and to her car. While in the midst of their conversation deciding where to eat, a familiar voice echoed down the corridor.


Gravitating her attention, her head whipped to the older handsome doctor advancing towards them. "Darren, hey!" She exclaimed out of shock. They embraced each other as laughter erupted between them. "Since when did you get back?"

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