chapter fourteen

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awkward encounters

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awkward encounters

"I have a question."

Buck's head perked up across one of the racks of baby clothes to Sasha sipping her half-finished smoothie. The two stood in a baby store at the mall after coming from a doctor appointment. Plus, they needed to look around for any necessities for the baby's nursery. A registry already been produced upon the incoming baby shower nearly in a week.

"You don't mind when I call you Evan unlike everyone else that calls you Buck? Even though it's your legal first name." She murmured the last part to herself, bringing her lips against the straw and pushing her hand through the clothing rack. "I can call you Buck if that's what you want."

He stifled a chuckle, "I would've said something earlier. Even though I prefer Buck, I like it when you call me Evan. I only changed it because there were few other guys with that name in my class."

"Wow, don't I feel special now." Sasha sarcastically replied, folding her arms on her chest where they practically rested on the growing bump.

They shared a small smile then headed towards another section of the store.

"You pretty little liar!"

She and Buck were standing at the cashier counter when they were met with Michelle Reynolds pushing a baby stroller towards them. Sasha shot him a look before stepping away to approach the former high school classmate.

"The last time you were here with Yasmin, both of you told me neither of you were pregnant." Michelle arched an eyebrow, examining Sasha's visible bump.

"Well, Yasmin was really looking for something for her nephew. And I wanted to keep it to myself before telling my family and friends until the 12 weeks mark." Sasha pressed her lips together, somehow it was bound that she'll run into Michelle during her pregnancy. Although, knew that the mommy influencer would corner her to join her circle of suburban wives like desperate housewives. As much she loved the show, Sasha didn't want to pile into that realm.

Michelle shortly nodded; her eyes loomed over to Buck coming to Sasha's side. "Noted. And this must be your boyfriend!" She beamed.

Also, Sasha didn't want to explain her situation knowing the woman would gossip with her little circle of moms.

Before she could respond, Buck cut in to introduce himself. "Evan Buckley." He grinned.

"No need, you're one of the hottest firefighters in the city. The girls are going to freak knowing that I've met you! Although sad that you're taken." The mother of two wasn't too subtle checking out the blond man as she shook his hand.

Sasha kept her mouth shut to prevent herself from laughing in amusement of the interaction while Buck felt a bit uncomfortable by the woman's lingering stare. He cleared his throat, flickering down at the three-month-old baby in the stroller. "Congrats on the little one, I see."

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