chapter five

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you again

In celebratory occasions such as a new friend moving into a new apartment in commencing a new slate of her life, buying a housewarming gift would be appropriate. Maddie told Sasha that she began setting up the furniture this week with the help of her brother and his co-workers. Sasha thought to swing by on the way before meeting her aunt Athena and May to find May's homecoming dress to give Maddie a housewarming present and plant. Fortunately for Sasha, she found a parking spot on the street at the apartment complex. So, carrying both gifts wouldn't be too much on Sasha for a short walk towards the entrance. 

Approaching the doors with hands full, Sasha placed the plant on the ground to press the button directly to Maddie's apartment to notify her friend. Seconds surpassed when the buzz followed by the clicking sound of the doors unlocking for her. She waltz through after using her foot to keep it open for herself. She ventured into the center walkway of the apartment complex to locate Maddie's place. 

"Ah! You made it! Come in! I love your dress!" Maddie shrieked after answering the soft ripple of knocks on her door. She ushered her friend inside while taking the housewarming gifts out of her hands. "You didn't have to get me anything, Sasha." Becoming in awe of the generous gifts for her new home.

Sasha laughed at her rambling, stepping inside the place. "Thanks, it's been a while since I've wore this." She scanned down at the peach cotton rib dress where her bump merely looked like she was bloated. "Also, I had to get you something since you don't have much. Just the basic home stuff, really."

"Wow. The couch looks perfect. We picked a good one." Sasha darted at the white sofa displayed in the living space.

Maddie nodded in agreement, "It does. Maybe, we should've been interior designers instead?" She narrowed at her friend before they erupted into laughter, perking the attention of the three men in the kitchen.

"Start our company then a YouTube channel, probably skyrocket the business into millions. I like that idea." Sasha entertained the idea until peering at a new face into the room was an Asian men chomping on a slice of pizza.

Seeing her eyes set on Chimney, Maddie quipped to give a quick introduction to Sasha and the three 118 firefighters present. "Oh! Sasha meet Chimney, he works with my younger brother who helped installed my security cameras." She motioned to one of them hooked up at the corner of the ceiling. "Chimney, this is Sasha. She works with me at the call center."

Chimney grinned and shortly waved in which Sasha returned before two new figures entered the room. Sasha's lips parted in shock and stomach began to churn, not only running into Eddie again known as the hot guy she got stuck in an elevator with.

But, the blond haired man standing next to him. Evan Buckley, the one night stand that has her growing the little bean for the next couple of months.

"Sasha, this is Eddie who works with my little brother, Evan, who prefers to go by Buck." Maddie introduced.

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