chapter thirteen

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eleven years

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eleven years

The entrance doors to the art studio burst open by a dark haired teenage girl strolling inside after school dismissal. She searched around the large space filled with artists amid in creativity mode to craft the white empty canvas in front of them. Eventually, she was able to spot a brunette haired woman with a nicely tied low bun and apron worn.

When the brunette turned around, she graced a warm smile at the teenage girl approaching. "Hi, Sasha. You're just in time to join everyone to create a piece unless you're looking for your mother?" She wiggled her brows and crossed her arms.

Sasha grimaced, "Sorry, I promise I'll join one of these days, Aunt Ashley." Almost every time she would show up, the older woman would poke at the same old question urging to embrace the young girl's talents like her best friend.

"Mhm...that's what you said last time." Ashley narrowed at the teenage girl.

"I promise. I've just been busy with this photography project." Sasha truthfully told.

Eventually, Ashley nodded along. "Well, at least you're showing your appreciation for the arts. Your mother is in her usual space." She gestured to the door that opens to next section of the space.

Sasha's steps slowed when the sight of her mother appeared most days in the studio to paint. The corner of her mouth tugged into a smile instantly in awe by how the woman strokes her brush gracefully against the white canvas. Being swayed by an artist's creation is one thing, though the progress of it takes you in a different realm to which Sabrina's does with anyone that has witnessed.

Sabrina soon paused to set her brush down after becoming aware of her daughter's presence. Like any mother, she had eyes in the back of her head. She turned her head, enveloping a cheerful smile. "Hi, love. How was your day?" She wiped her hands and removed the apron to embrace her daughter.

"Nothing interesting, school is school." She shrugged then nodded to the canvas. "What's the new piece you're working on?"

Her mother slung her arm around her daughter's shoulders, slowly walking to the finished painting. "Oh, nothing interesting just an order from a client." She replied in a soft tone before furrowing. "I thought Yasmin would be joining us for dinner tonight?"

"She had to run a quick errand and will meet us at the house." Sasha answered without removing her eyes from the painting.

"All right, help me clean up a bit then we can leave?" Sabrina proceeded to clean up the space by moving the painting to the side until groaning in pain. Her hand instantly pressed onto her temple as her eyes shut briefly.

Sasha's immediately became alert, placing a hand upon her shoulder. "Mom, are you okay?"

Time passed when her mother composed herself and taking a deep breath. She braced a small smile to assure her daughter's worries. "I'm all right, love. Just a minor migraine that's all." 

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