chapter sixteen

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"At least you don't have to worry about getting pregnant."

"On the plus side the both of you were sober this time."

Yasmin and Josh jokingly remarked to Sasha sitting on the couch. She was handed her cup of tea from the café Josh went to after called in for this little emergency meeting this morning. Yasmin instantly ushered her best friend inside her apartment after dropping the bombshell at her doorstep earlier.

After failing to suppress a laugh they peered over at their pregnant friend shooting a dark glare. The two clamped their mouths shut and took a sip of their coffees. "Too soon?" The brunette woman mumbled against her cup.

Sasha rolled her eyes and let out a huff, tapping her fingers against her cup resting upon her lap. Silence filtered the room momentarily until Josh spoke up.

"So, where do you and Buck stand now?" He pondered.

A groan escaped the dark-haired woman's lips as she threw her head back in confliction. "I don't know. Why do you think I ran out and came here before he woke up?" She exclaimed, visibly feeling a wave of emotions she couldn't clarify.

Yasmin took the initiative beating around the bush. "From what you told us it seems you have feelings for Buck except you're afraid to acknowledge it?"

Sasha toyed with her locket while avoiding eye contact. "Perhaps, I do have feelings for him. I-I thought it was just the pregnancy hormones but last night seemed it was more than that." She shuddered, recalling the lustful night and his touch that caused an explosion in the pit of her stomach.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Josh piped. "Love is about taking risks and if you feel something for Buck then go for it."

"Your mom even told us stories about her and your dad. The way she loved him, which I'm sure she would've wanted you to feel deserving of that." Yasmin mentioned, reminding when the two were teenagers. 

She halted in her tracks once breaching the kitchen after returning to the apartment. Buck sat at the counter in his pair of shorts and a shirt eating a bowl of oatmeal. He lifted his head at the sound of her footsteps.

"You're back. Where were you?" Buck inquired, watching Sasha head towards the refrigerator.

She opened it, "Yasmin's." She smacked her lips together and reached for an acai bowl to eat.

Buck switched gazes between his bowl of oatmeal and Sasha moving to the counter across from him. He was anticipating the discussion about the elephant in the room. The little rendezvous couldn't be swept under the rug, obviously. Then there's the fact where he couldn't stop thinking about it playing in a constant loop in his head. The mere sight of woman he laid in bed with caused his heart pounding loudly in his eardrums.

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