chapter ten

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meeting the carters

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meeting the carters

A waiter set down Sasha and Josh's meals at the outside patio of the restaurant on a Saturday afternoon on their lunch break. The duo thanked the waiter before he departed from their table. Josh observed his friend immediately diving into the appetizing spinach pasta bake. "So, how long often are you working on these weekend shifts?" He pondered.

Since pronouncing her pregnancy to their supervisor Sue, Sasha has asked for any extra shifts to take. Working at the dispatch call operating center for several hours five days a week could be tiring where the free weekends are taken advantage to relax and let the uniform hang in the closet. Sasha used to spend those weekends going out with friends at night, instead she's been sinking into bed after a long shift.

After wiping her mouth with a napkin, she answered. "Until I'm on maternity leave, or Sue thinks I need to take a break for myself. I'm betting when I'll be waddling around the place." She humored herself and Josh. "With this little bean on the way and moving into an apartment with Evan. I'm taking up as many shifts as I can."

The first time co-parents started apartment hunting as they wanted to get settle before the baby came. As fun to look into potential apartments can be- the decision making, and compromising was the difficult part.

"Is he taking extra shifts at the firehouse too?"

Sasha nodded, "Yeah. He's working one right now."

Josh snatched up a piece of bread from the basket. "I'm still trying to grasp that the father is Maddie's little brother. Not only you two are friends and co-workers yet family." When told about this interesting situation, he was baffled and intrigued either the situation or Sasha landing on a hot firefighter as her baby daddy.

Nevertheless, he and Yasmin discussed all about it during drinks omitting a bit jealousy.

"And your aunt Athena dating his fire captain," He exclaimed.

She raised her finger, "You can't forget about Evan's co-worker and Maddie whenever either of them makes the first damn move." They were anticipating when those two lovebirds will come out to express their feelings to each other. Everyone can already see it instead of the two that are avoiding it.

A chuckle released from Josh's mouth in return. "Call this the Modern Family: First Responders version." He highlighted, earning a stiff laugh from Sasha sipping her water. "I understand that moving in with Buck will help when the baby is born and co-parenting under one roof. Are you sure about this? I mean, would it be weird for you two if one of you bring someone back to your place in the future? Or should I say, him bringing girls over?"

"That was on my mind which made me hesitant at first. I don't want to enforce him that we needed to move in to work out. However, he assured that this little bean and our co-parenting relationship is the main priority." Sasha mentioned. "I find it sweet, though don't mind if he's dating. He still has a life of his own. But I'm going to make sure he doesn't have women roaming around only in a shirt and underwear when the baby is around, no doubt."

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