Chapter 44

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"I finished my pills. I need a refill" I lie.

His eyes are glossy and he's breathing heavily. I'm ready for him to snap any second.

"I gave you your meds this morning, Lillian. The bottle was filled." He explains, quietly. "Just tell me that you didn't swallow all of those pills"

"No, I didn't fucking swallow them! I poured them down the drain in the kitchen. Damn, I'm not that stupid." I scoff.

They may all think I want to die but I don't. I'm not taking care of myself because I want my life to be over. It's because I want to live my life. But if one of them would listen to me, maybe they'd see that.

He turns to throw his arms up in the air, smacking them back down onto the wall. ""I'm not that stupid"do you even hear yourself? why did you get rid of them?" he asks, annoyed.

"They don't do anything," I answer, embarrassed.

"Oh my fucking-. Then you go to the doctor and get prescribed new ones! I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you that. Fuck, I can't keep doing this Lillian!" He yells, quietly.

I can feel myself about to be sick but I push it back down.

My eyes go wide, "Do what exactly?"

He points to me, "This! Trying to help you get better but you do everything in your power to go against it. If I wasn't here, you wouldn't be taking your meds or anything. I mean look at you! I love you but you look horrible. Today for example, what the hell was that at the dojo. You couldn't even stand up and you continued to lie about if you were ok or not when it was obvious that you weren't. This happened before and you promised you wouldn't lie about it. It's like I'm your fucking nurse."

"My nurse?!" I scoff. "I never asked you to make sure I'm taking my meds. Hell! I didn't even want to tell you I was sick in the first place! If it wasn't for Demetri, you still wouldn't fucking know! And for your information, I have been taking my meds. Yesterday morning I forgot and tonight I was having a bad night. If you would have known the side effects, you'd understand why."

"I'm giving you a choice." He starts.

"Oh my god, here we go" I complain.

"Either you let me take you to the hospital right now and get everything taken care of. Or you don't let me take you and were done" he lets out a breath that he seemed to be holding.

My jaw drops, "You're fucking kidding. It's my body!"

"So is that your answer?"

I'm stuck. I don't know what to choose. Will I really lose him if I don't go?

"You're going to regret it if you make the wrong decision. You're smart Lillian, so act like it"

Maybe I will regret it but he doesn't need to tell me what to do in this situation. I'm going to be sick any second and if he sees that, he'll call an ambulance.

I gulp, "Get out" I demand.

The look on his face is one I've never seen before. He looks like he just got the wind knocked out of him for good.

"You're fucking serious? You're going to choose to lose me over getting better?"

I tilt my head, "You gave me the option. I'm just doing you a favor. Now you don't have to act like my, how do you say it? Oh! nurse."

"I'm not letting you do this" he mumbles.

"But you already did. You made your choice and I made mine."

He walks away from the door and lays down on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Waiting for you to not be stupid and make the right decision. I may not be your boyfriend but I've been your best friend for years now. I know best when you're being an idoit."

How does he do that? His mood just changed in a split second.

"Get out of my house, Eli." I cry. "It was nice of you to come here and check on me but you've made your point loud and clear."

He laughs, "Why are you so obvilious to people who care about you. Come on, Lillian. I fucking love you. I'd literally die for you. You know I'd hurt anyone who tried to hurt you. But you won't let me help you with this. It kills me watching you go day by day. You're dying! I know you want to live your life and that's why you won't get your treatments. But it takes time. If you do your treatments then you'll actually get to live your life" he pauses. "Why can't you do this one thing for me?"

I quickly reach for the bucket next to my bed and get sick into it. The bucket is always kept there for well, things like this. I'm still sitting at my closet door. He rushes over and holds my hair back.

"I have an appointment tomorrow" I quickly spit out.

He stands in front of me, "Really? You arent fucking with me?"

"No. My mom made it earlier"

"Good. I just don't want to lose you, Lillian. Look at you, you passed out not even ten minutes ago and now you're sick to your stomach," he says quietly. "Can you come over here"

"I can't stand up" I mumble.

"What?" he asks.

"My body is weak. I physically won't be able to stand up if I try to."

"You let it get this bad," he says, annoyed.

"Are you going to keep lecturing me or are you going to help me?" I snap.

He laughs and climbs out of my bed, walking over to me. He raps his arms around me and picks me up, cradelling me. I ignore eye contact with him as much as I can while he rests me on the bed. He puts the bucket on the floor next to me and lays down on the other side of the bed. Were both laying on our backs, staring at the ceiling.

"Can you promise me something?" I quietly ask him.


"Don't worry so much. I wont be here for long and if we spend all of our time fighting over something like this. We won't have any memories"

"I'm not promising you that. I worry because I love you and you're my best friend and I still consider you my girlfriend."

I wish I could accept how much he really cares. It's either my mindset or everything in me that messes with my head. Fuck, I even snapped at Johnny for only wanting the best for me.

"Do you love me?" he asks me slowly.

I turn my head to face him, "I do. I love you"

He leans in and kisses my forehead. "We promised each other to be honest with each other. I want to be there for you and see everything you accomplish. When somethings wrong with you of course I'm going to worry because it affects me too."

"I promise I won't lie to you again about how I'm feeling. But since you told me earlier that you act like my "nurse" than I get to put on shameless" I demand.

"I was angry, I didn't mean it like that." He defends himself.

"Still said it."

"I'm sorry. I really am." he stops." But did you like the flowers I got you?"

I smile, "Yes, thank you. They're beautiful." I pause, "You know for being a guy with a mohawk and a huge karate master, you're a huge softie" I laugh.

He grabs my head and kisses all around my face, "Only for you, my love."

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