Chapter 19

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As we drive home, I can't think straight. I sit there and cry to my mom about everything. I let it all out. I tell her everything about Hawk and Tory and how mad I am at her.

"You lied to me about who my father is! Hawk cheated on me for real. Tory let him think I cheated on him. Miguel might be dead. And now my fake father just randomly shows up" I laugh "What else could possibly happen" I cry while my mom drives. She just nods her head knowing whatever she says might make me feel worse. When we get home I see a random car outside our house. I try to ignore it and just walk inside. I go straight to my bedroom and climb into bed. I don't bother to take my shoes off or anything. I lay my head on my pillow and just let it all out. What if he's dead? Why would he randomly show up now? Does he know he isn't my father? Should I Forgive Hawk? Where's Tory? I don't want to go over tonight.

As I'm laying there stuck in my thoughts I hear talking from the other room. Sounds like my
mom and some guy? I get up and decide to walk out there. I stop in my tracks as I see my mom and fake father sitting together at the table talking.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask them. They both turn their heads not knowing I was there.

"Lillian" they bot say and stand up. "Why don't you sit down so we can talk," My father says.

"Don't tell her what to do. If she doesn't want to talk she doesn't need to" my mom stands up for me.

I shake my head and sit down. "I want you back in
my life" My eyes go wide as the words flow out of his mouth.

"Excuse me? You don't just get to chose when you can leave and come back. That's not how this works" I say. My mom shakes her head and leans it against her hand. My dad sinks in his chair.

"I know and I can never explain to you have sorry I am. I regret it all so much and I want to continue a life with you in it."

I shake my head, "You left my mom to take care of me by herself, you left her to pay my hospital bills by herself, you left me without a father, you left me." I cry.

He tries to speak but nothing comes out. I laugh, "Well mom and I have somewhere to be. Please leave my house" I say standing up.

"Lillian I-" he pleads.

"Go," I say and he walks out the door getting into his car driving off. My mom stands up and I walk over to her and hug her. I need her right now.

I walk to my room and throw on a pair of gray sweatpants worn and a purple crop top and slides. We get into the car and head over to the Moskowitz's house. We've been doing this tradition for years. Ever since I've met them we've done dinner together on the first day of school but this time it's going to be different.

We arrive at their house and knock on the door. Hawk answers it and welcomes both us of in giving my mom a hug and me an awkward hug. We haven't talked about everything that's happened so right now we're broken up but still talking. We all say hi while I sit down on their couch and my mom goes to help Mrs. Moskowitz in the kitchen. I lay my feet up on the couch and put my head on a pillow. Hawk walks over to me "here" he says and lifts my head and moves the pillow letting him sit down and resting my head on his lap.

"Have you heard anything about Miguel?" I mumble

He sighs, "No not yet. I want to go visit him but I don't think they're allowing visitors yet" He plays with my hair. "He's going to make it Lillian. He was breathing when they took him to the hospital. He'll be ok"

"I know but he's in a coma. Anything can happen."

"You're right. God, I can't believe sensei Lawerence. This is all his fault." I lift my head up and look at him.

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