Chapter 53

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If I meet up with Tory tonight I'm afraid the rest of Cobra Kai will be there. It wouldn't be the first time she has turned on me.

"What are you doing?" Mom asks laughing at me. My whole body is sprawled across the couch with my arms  across my stomach. I can't move, I'm stuck.

"I'm thinking"

"Is everything ok?" She asks, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Yes and no. I just have a decision to make and I have no idea what to do" I scoff, rubbing my hands against my face.

"To get your mind off things the Moskowitz invited us over for dinner if you'd like to go."

I quickly sit up, "I think I'm just going to stay in tonight" It would be better if she left so I can leave and meet Tory.

"She'd really love to see you Lillian" She pleads.

"Then she can come over here"

She lets out a harsh breath. "We are going over there for dinner tonight. She wants to see you and wants to know how you're doing. That's final."

Now I need to figure out a way to leave this dinner early so I can meet up with her. If I miss seeing her tonight, who knows what will happen tomorrow.

I groan. "Mom I really don't want to."

"Why. Is there something going on with you and Eli?" She asks.

I don't want to tell her what's actually going on. She'll tell me not to think the way I do and she'll change her view on him. As if she already thinks he isn't a good person.

"We're just having an argument." I admit, just leaving out a few details. "You wouldn't get it and neither would he" I whisper to myself.

She sighs. "You'll figure it out, you always do." I watch as she stands up, walking down the hall. "Oh and get ready, were leaving soon!"

I pull my phone out of my pocket and still no text messages from him. Could he really have meant what he said earlier today? That me and him are done for good if I go to Johnnys dojo. He's said it multiple times but has never actually gone through with it.

My mom walks back out, picking up her purse and my medicine bottles, placing them in her bag. Why is she taking them with her, it's not like were not coming back. "What are you doing with that?" I ask her.

"Taking it with us. I have no idea when we'll be home tonight but you need to take them after dinner. We can't risk you skipping them anymore Lillian."

I thought she would finally let it go and she would understand it was my meds making me like that. "Why do you have to keep bringing it up. If you're going to be like that I don't want to come with you"

She scoffs. "I'm just saying you need to take your meds and thats it, nothing else. Now come on, were going to be late."

The whole car ride was spent with her talking about my next doctors appointments and treatments. Nothing new, it was just the same old plan.

We arrive to their house and we knock on their front door. Mrs. Moskowitz answers the door, "Hello Ladies! Lillian, I'm so glad you could make it! Come in, come in" she's so excited for such a small get together. I used to live for these dinners after school, every friday night but now I never want to come.

"Yea, me too!" I smile.

"I'm sorry that Eli couldnt make it he has karate training tonight but i'm sure he already told you that Lillian"

"Yea, he did" The lie flows out of my mouth, like that's all I know how to do anymore, lie to the people I love.

"He should be back in an hour or so." She places everyone's plates down and leaves one for him next to mine. "How are you two anyway? It makes my heart so happy to see him so happy with you." The words coming out of her mouth make me remember all the good things between us. With every word she's saying about us makes me feel so bad that I'm lying to her.

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