Chapter 55

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Don't get me wrong, I want the surgery, I do. But I don't want to move. I'd be leaving my life behind.

"I don't want to leave mom" I say, quietly.

She sighs. "I know you don't and neither do I. But this is what we've both been waiting for since you were diagnosed. We can always come back"

"That's still not good enough"

"You're right, it's not. But between the bills for the doctors and surgery and paying for a house. I can't afford to pay for two homes and for one we won't be in for at least two years." She places her hand on my cheek, whipping away the tear that's fallen from my eye. "Why don't you call Eli and have him come over. Tell him the news." She stands up and walks over to the kitchen. "I'll start looking for apartments and talk to the doctor."

I don't even want to see his reaction to it. We wouldn't make long distance, we have to figure things out face to face. Over FaceTime, just wouldn't work.

I reach for my back pocket, pulling my phone out and texting him that I'm home. By now, he should be done with karate and at home.

"Just think! With the surgery imagine going back to your life again. You'll be able to do so much more" Mom yells from the other room.

"Why can't I wait. I mean i've been waiting for months to do this. Another month can't hurt" Why do I have to move? Why can't the doctor come to me. I'm paying them to do this so they should let me decide.

"Because you can't honey. We don't want to wait last minute because what if something happens before that? We'll go as soon as possible"

The front door rushes open and there standing is Eli. His hair still down and in grey sweatpants and red american eagle sweatshirt. "So?" he asks, walking in and closing the door behind him.

I decided not to tell him because I don't want to see his reaction. He doesn't know if i'm able to get the surgery or not. I need him. I need him to help me.

He walks over to me and sits down next to me on the couch, reaching over and placing his hand on mine. "I can get the surgery" the words flow out of my mouth as if it's the news I didn't want to hear.

His whole expression changes as if he just had one of his biggest dreams come true. "Are you serious? That's great!" he looses his words. "That- that's amazing!" he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly, kissing me all over my face. I sit there not reacting in any way.

The news to getting the survey haven't hit me like the news to moving has. I'm so upset about that I haven't even realized that this surgery is going to change my life. It's such great news but it's like flipping my life upside down.

"Why don't you seem excited about it?" he asks.

"I am"

He laughs. "You don't seem like it. What's wrong?" he places his hand on my cheek, his thumb softly rubbing against my skin.

I sigh. "I have to move to get it"

"What do you mean" he laughs slightly.

"I have to go to texas to go and get it. Meaning I have to stay there for recovery and everything. So I have to move there. I know you don't want to hear and neither do I." He goes quiet. He rubs his forehead with his hand and turns the other way, ignoring eye contact with me. "Eli" I say but he ignores. "Eli!" He turns his head to me but still not meeting my eyes. "Talk to me"

"What do you want me to say Lillian. Not to go? Because you have to go." He's getting so angry, like I have a choice.

"I know" I say quietly. "But what about us?"

"I don't know Lillian. I don't want to do long distance."

"Can you at least look at me. It wasn't my decision to have it in Texas."

"Why can't you have it here?" He asks annoyed.

"My doctors not here. She's on vacation and no one knows when she'll be back. She's the only one around us that can do the surgery." He shakes his head and smacks his hand down on the table, making me jump. He's being so quiet that I have no idea what he's thinking. I can't seem to get through his head. "Let me know what you're thinking. I can't read minds".

"I don't know what i'm thinking!" he snaps.

"I'm upset about it too Eli. But don't take this out on me. I'm the one who has to leave" I scoff.

"Exactly. You're the one who has to leave. Do you not get it? I literally need you to survive. You're my other half. I fucking need you here."

"But in order for me to be here. I need to be alive for that. And I won't be if I don't go get this surgery"

"I fucking know that! You're getting the surgery either way. I don't want you not to."

"We can figure this out right? I mean you can come visit and I can visit. I'll come stay for a week and you can do the same. We'll face time every night."

"We can barely make it here, face to face. How would we do in two different states."

"Okay then. Can we just figure it out when the time comes. I don't even know when we're leaving." He leans back on the couch.

"Yea. Well we'll do everything before you leave." The mood changes so quickly.

I laugh. "Yea, we can. We can figure this out Eli. I promise" He nods.

"I hope so." Randomly he smiles. "God, you're going to be cancer free." The words slam onto me. I haven't thought about it like that. A tear drops from my eye.

"Holy shit. It's really going to happen. Before I leave we're going to like go back in time. Do all the things that we've done when we first met. Also, I really like your hair like that"

He playfully rolls his eyes. "It won't be like this for long. I was so anxious about what the news would be for you that I couldn't even think about anything else." the way he worries for me makes my heart want to explode.

I lean my head on his shoulder with a huge smile on my face. "I can never explain how happy I am that we figured all of our shit out. I just don't want this to be the thing that breaks us" He places his head on top of mine.

"Me either."


a/n- I've decided that there's only going to be a couple more chapters left :/
Once season four comes out I'll continue to update it bc I have an idea for how I want it to go. But this isn't the end. I'll continue to do a couple surprise chapters until then but it won't be every week.


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