Second Semester Begins

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You all had done it. Class 1-B had gathered all their provisional licenses at the same test, actually beating out Class 1-A. Needless to say, you were hyped up. And to celebrate, you and your girlfriend, Kendo had a nice meal and were more than ready to get started on this next semester of high school. So, you got to school around 10 minutes early and were able to meet up with your friends and classmates. After some jokes about Tetsutetsu (Because why not) and other fun times throughout the summer.

It was also nice when you got the chance to smile as you saw Kendo get into the room. Due to time, either of you could really talk, but it was nice to see the two of you slightly smile together before she took her seat. Once she was seated, Vlad King walked into the room with a smile on his face as he placed some papers down onto his desk.

Vlad King: Well, a couple of things first. First thing, nice work everyone. You all passed the provisional license exam. I couldn't be happier. Secondly, we still have a good chunk of work ahead of us. So, let's keep up this strength and keep pushing forward. If you all keep this type of work up, getting work should be no problem for you kids.

You and your classmates could only smile. However, that smile dropped into fear once Vlad King decided to throw a small chair across the room. You all looked up towards the pro hero and saw him panting a bit.

Vlad King: But that doesn't give us the excuse to slack off! So, we're going to work you all to death...essentially.

You decided to take the fall and raise your hand.

Vlad King: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Out of curiosity, is this about the work studies the principal was talking about this morning?

Vlad King: (nods) Exactly. These work studies are similar to your internships. These will be more intense. Essentially, you will be working as pro heroes part-time. You will not be supervised. You make the judgment call. We're doing whatever it takes to push you students into the highest level of heroism before graduation.

Kendo: Why is that? I mean, I know All Might retired by that doesn't mean we are all going to fail?

Vlad King: Unfortunately, that's not how the police or other top pros see it. Villains too. But that's not our concern. If it wasn't this year, it would be next. Best to get you kids ready for work quickly. Besides, with this, you can have the exposure you deserve. I'll let you discuss this after classes. Have fun today.

Vlad walked out of the room and your first class with Ms. Ivy began in full swing. Classes itself weren't too big of a deal, standard stuff that helped since you and Kendo did some additional readings together over the summer during one of your dates. After that, it was your basic calculus and history lessons along with some heroics thrown in there for good measure. Again, basic stuff for you guys.

Once the sixth bell went off, you guys finally had enough time to head out and get some lunch together. As everyone was walking out, you waited and quickly jumped at the opportunity to talk to Kendo again.

(Y/N): Hey.

Kendo: Hey.

(Y/N): Everything ok?

Kendo: Yeah. Just somewhat nervous about these work studies. Like, the way Mr. Vlad King made them sound, they seem super intense.

(Y/N): Fair. But, it's us. We got this. I mean, we already did get our first real arrests just last week. I'm sure we'll be just fine.

Kendo: Think so?

(Y/N): I know so.

You both looked at one another again and blushed slightly. You quickly turned your heads away from one another and focused on the pathway forward. You both got your lunches and sat beside one another with the usual group of friends. And like always, the table talk was mainly jokes about Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Class 1-A and your rivalry with them and so on and so forth. It was terrible by any means, just more of the same. But hey, sometimes the same can be more than fine.

After that, it was time for afternoon classes with Vlad King to teach you some more heroics. So, he got everyone into their PE uniforms and out to the backfield for some more work.

Vlad King: Alright, to get you kids use to working with pros full time, I decided to bring in a personal aid. (He nodded and a blue-haired girl stepped up beside him) This is Nejire Hado. She's a member of UA's Big Three. Speed Class.

Hado: Hi everyone!!! It's so nice to meet you! And-

Vlad King: Hado, please.

Hado: Oops. Sorry.

Vlad King: As I was saying, Hado is a speed class-type hero. So, today, you are all playing a game of tag. If Hado catches you, you are out. You survive for the next thirty minutes, you win.

Tetsutetsu raised his hand which Vlad nodded at him.

Tetsutetsu: What do we get if we win?

Vlad King: Bragging rights. You have 5 minutes, go!

Your classmates were shocked, confused as you saw Hado crack her knuckles. You guys then quickly ran throughout the industrial zone Vlad had put you all in. You rounded a few corners to try and find some cover. As you ran through a few more blocks, you heard a loud buzzer and an explosion go off. You turned around and saw a figure who looked like Hado chasing after someone. Just as you were about to take off, a hand grabbed you and pulled you into cover.

You rolled along the ground and looked up to see Kendo with Tetsutetsu, Ibara, and Shishida.

(Y/N): Guys!

Tetsutetsu: Sup man! We've been looking-

Kendo: Quiet!

You two went silent as Kendo pulled you beside her for cover. You heard a sound, almost like a beam was being shot at the ground, roll past you guys. Kendo looked out and silently sighed. Hado had just passed you all.

Kendo: Tokage is acting as a scout for us right now. Stay quiet and move to the higher levels.

(Y/N): On it. I'll get us a viewpoint real quick. You guys try to find some ladders or stairs to get up to the roof.

Everyone nodded in agreement. You took to the skies and slowly climbed up the wall of the building you were on. After looking around for a bit, you deemed it clear and got onto the roof. A hatch then opened and Kendo was the first to crawl out. You helped her to her feet as you both looked out.

(Y/N): Any thoughts?

Kendo: No idea. She could be anywhere?

(Y/N): Should everyone else stay low?

Kendo: Probably a good idea. We have no idea how-

While you were looking past Kendo, you saw Hado fly towards you guys. You tackled Kendo and got her clear from Hado's hand at the last second. You both looked back to see Hado had already come in for a second pass. You rolled off of Kendo and she barely evaded Hado. The third-year then landed and looked back at you guys.

Hado: Wow! You two are so fast! Man, if you could see yourselves! Those reaction times and-

You and Kendo had slipped out while Hado was fangirling out. You two had waved your friends away, to which they responded positively. Just before you and Kendo could join the rest, Hado broke through the ceiling and saw you and Kendo.

(Y/N) and Kendo: WHAT THE-

Hado grabbed you both and used her quirk of Wave-Motion and forced you both into the wall. Hado used her quirk again and kept herself afloat.

Hado: Gotcha. Have fun walking back!

You both gripped your head and looked at each other. You sighed and you both walked off. The walk was pretty quiet as you both had nothing much to say. You rubbed the back of your neck and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Sorry. Didn't mean to botch up the scouting party.

Kendo: Eh. It's not the biggest deal. But, hey, we know for next time.

You smiled at her which she returned. You grabbed her hand and she took it and held onto it firmly as you both walked off.

Kendo: We need to work on speed training though.

(Y/N): Oh yeah. Want to test it against that bike you've been working on?

Kendo: (Smirks) Oh yeah.

You couldn't help but smile with her as you both walked to the clear zone for the future of the day. 

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