Two Brothers

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UA's graduation ceremony had ended around two months ago and from it, and from it, plenty of new heroes. The class included Shota Aizawa, going by the name of Eraser head, Hizashi Yamada who took the name Present Mic, and lastly, Sekijrio Kan, aka, Vlad King. One day while on the job, Vlad rode down a street chasing after villains who had just robbed a nearby bank. Vlad King increased his speed to max and summoned some blood along his arm. Vlad King then launched a beam of blood to attack the villains and their car.

The blood cut the tires and froze the right side of the car, getting it stuck on two wheels. The bank robbers got out and opened fire at Vlad with one using their quirk of claws to charge and attack. Vlad King took cover and fired off some blood pellets to create a barrier between the robbers and citizens. The villain with claws slashed Vlad's cover and he returned it with an uppercut. Another robber's beard became a series of tentacles that were launched towards the rookie hero. However, two quick punches were able to cut the tentacles into pieces and make the robber scream in pain.

Vlad King looks out of cover and sees his brother, the vampire hero, Dracuul, had punched through the tentacles himself. He transformed in the air into a bat and dived towards the criminals. As he was about to hit the ground, he transformed into a wolf and bit down on a bit down on the shoulder of one and threw them over onto the hood of the car. He transformed back into human form and punched another in the face. The final robber was about to shoot him but Vlad King punched him right across the face and knocked him out.

Vlad offered a thumbs up which Dracuul sighed and walked over to him.

Dracuul: You're being too quick paced. Slow it down.

Vlad King: Right. Sorry.

Dracuul: You're still just a teenager. It's fine. Come on, I want to talk to you.

Vlad King nodded and Dracuul flew him to the top of a building and explained the situation to him.

Vlad King: Leaving?! For America of all places?!

Dracuul: Would you relax? Look I...I met someone.

Vlad King: Really?

Dracuul: Sekijiro. Can you be happy for me? I think I really feel something with her. I...I want to take this chance. Besides, are you really going to be mad at me for this?

Vlad King: Well, no...But you must understand that this could be your career.

Dracuul: There are plenty of hero agencies in America. Plus, Dad is handing you the reigns to the agency anyway.

Vlad King: Because we thought you would be so successful! I don't like this Drac.

Dracuul: Drac? The last time you called me that was when I chose my code name. Sekijiro? What's wrong? (Smirks) Are you going to miss your big brother?

Vlad King: Don't joke like that! You could be throwing away a career. That's all I'm saying. You may have been the risk-taker in High School but that shouldn't excuse you from everything!

Dracuul: Seki. Just let me try.

Vlad looked back at Dracuul, skepticism, and anger over his face but at the same time, worry and concern. However, before he could answer, Dracuul was already at the edge of the building.

Dracuul: I know you're just looking out for me, you always have. But that doesn't mean I'm not my own person. Besides, that doesn't mean I won't see you again.

Dracuul smiled back at him before jumping off the building and transforming into a bat and flying off. Vlad looks back to his brother and sighs.

Surely enough, Dracuul did move to America and met a woman named Susan who took the name "Shadowshifter" with her abilities to transform into shadows and move across the battlefield. Contact was still held between the brothers for a bit. In that time, you came into the picture, being born in America, and began to grow up in the states while learning some Japanese.

Of course, you went back to Japan on a few occasions to visit family and experience the wonder of Japan but you never moved back. Your parents always cited it as a business reason since America had much higher crime rates compared to Japan. So, in that time you grew up and became very fluent in Japanese as well as English (speaking for the last one, not so much on grammar). However, the more you grew up, the more you realized all the calls your father got more and more calls.

These calls would usually come from your grandparents, friends, and your uncle, Sekijiro. You weren't quite sure what the calls were about but you did know they were loud and usually ended with yelling and some things being slammed down onto the ground. Eventually, the area your family lived in dropped down in crime, nearly dropping to nothing at all. Other heroes had an influx in, thus decreasing crime in your city.

You could remember one day when your father came home early and crashed down onto the couch next to your mother. The two clearly had an argument and unfortunately, you could hear and understand it all despite only being 13. The entire talk was about work and the lack of villains for either of them to hunt down. Then the talks of moving to Japan came up. Work would be more available for hero work and around the city of Musutafu, your father's home city.

Eventually, your mother agreed with him, and your family then moved to Japan. The move was simple and you were able to find a home in no time at all. Once you guys got fully moved in and began a new hero agency in the city. You also finished up middle school in Japan. But...that still didn't stop some major issues of your family life.

Your uncle was still beat up over the whole moving to America and refusing to move back type of deal. Your grandparents were fine with the move as they could spend time with you. But it was still your uncle who you wanted to talk to the most. You still got to, but whenever it involved your father, he was out. Family gatherings, he was gone. Middle School graduation party (something your mother wanted) he wasn't there either. Heck, he stopped answering calls from your father months ago. And here you were, just trying to live your life and get the brothers back together again.

And all of that ended with you sitting along the outside steps of UA with Kendo beside you. You rubbed the back of your neck as she just sat next to you.

Kendo: Well then...

(Y/N): Yeah. That was my uncle's perspective. Little bit of me was thrown in there too.

Kendo: Why tell me though?

(Y/N): Well, you were the one most curious about it. Figured you should know before I told anyone else. There's no way in hell that my father will truly care. Besides, my uncle only told me this because I threaten to never talk to him again.

Kendo: Wow...intense much? So, what are you going to do about it?

(Y/N): I don't know. Probably something stupid.

Kendo placed her hand around your shoulder and pulled you closer to her.

Kendo: Well...let's think of something.

She smiled optimistically and you smiled back. This was going to be something...most likely a mess.

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