Work Return

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You and Kendo (along with the rest of your class) were gathered in a gym with Vlad King and a few other pro heroes here and there. You guys were a bit confused as to why you were all here, wasting class time on something more important than meeting some pros. Not that meeting pros were a bad thing, but why here and now?

With those questions in mind, Vlad King cracked his neck, pulled out a microphone, and stood between the crowd of students and the mixed bag of heroes. He cleared his throat one last time before he could speak.

Vlad King: Now listen up. I know most of you are probably wondering why are these some pros here? Answer is simple. These are pros who have had work studies from UA beforehand. Their job today is to tell you, young heroes, what they look for in new recruits and the best way to apply. Now then, go to work.

Vlad nodded and stepped back, letting the students in so they could talk to some pros. You and Kendo exchanged a smile and took off. You both would have loved to work with your father again but since he was forbidden from doing internships after the last debacle. So, on that note, you two looked around again for some new ones. Some new pros and other some old ones such as Mt. Lady or Best Jeanist. Either way, it was fun as hell.

Kendo: So, what do you think would be the best work studies?

(Y/N): Endeavor is too brutal, Hawks doesn't seem to care as much. Honestly, a lot of the top heroes are kinda stuck up or lazy.

Kendo: I mean, they are the most experienced. Maybe they're just trying to toughen us up and give us some close experience.

(Y/N): Fair point. Eh, I don't know. But hey, what do you think? Kendo? Sweetie?

You turned back and saw Kendo was in awe, her eyes locked on a motorcycle with a girl leaning against it talking to Power Loader. You placed a hand on her shoulder and offered her a smile.

(Y/N): I see you found love again.

Kendo: Don't blame me. That bike is awesome! I'm betting it has some kick-ass suspension and-and-

(Y/N): Don't tell me about it. Go!

She smiled and grabbed your hand. She leads you over and the two of you slowly approached the stand. Power Loader saw you both and smiled slightly at you two coming over. The woman also stopped and smiled at you two.

Power Loader: Ah. Ms. Kendo and Mr. Kan. Pleasure to see you both here.

(Y/N): Hello, Mr. Power Loader.

Kendo: That bike is pretty sweet!

Power Loader: Uh, jumping straight to the point I see. Well, care to introduce yourself.

Techno: Hey kids. Names Techno. Agency's out in Hosu. Little unknown, but hey, it pays when you and your agency are more support than anything else. Still, a lot of fun to be had. Thinking about signing up?

Kendo's smile grew larger. You chuckled and grabbed a pen and wrote down both of your names.

(Y/N): You can stop fangirling over the motorcycle now.

Kendo: It's just so cool! And-

You chuckled and you and Kendo entered another one of your back and forths. Some insults were here and there but it was just you two. In the meantime, Techno and Power Loader looked at each other and Techno smiled.

Techno: They're in. 100%.

Power Loader: Good. I think you'll like these two.

Techno goes back to smile at you and Kendo bickering a bit more. She laughs and grabs both your shoulders and gets your attention. You and Kendo look up at her and smile slightly as she smiles at you both.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now