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You and Kendo had wondered from the outer quarry back to the Sugar Bowl for a day of victory celebration. Once you guys arrived, Shuga got you both to your usual booth and brought over the usual drinks for you both. It was purely a victory celebration type thing so no food was required. Once the drinks came, you both gave cheers before taking a large swing each and burping once you both were done. You both laughed and sighed in content once you were done.

(Y/N): I seriously cannot believe that worked as well as it did.

Kendo: Well, you better believe it!

(Y/N): Seriously though...thank you. For everything. I just hope they can keep that bond back up to where it once was.

Kendo: Well, I think they're doing a great job already.

Kendo pointed to a TV with the news on. You looked over and saw that it was your father and uncle arresting a small group of bank robbers along with All Might. You couldn't help but smile a bit at seeing the teamwork at play. You then turned back to Kendo and saw her giving you a smile back. It was a bit of a sultry thing. You didn't know how to respond so you gave your own awkward smile back into the mix.

Just as quickly did you and Kendo realize what you both were doing and stopped completely. You both went back to your chairs and let the awkward atmosphere either settle or leave the booth entirely.

(Y/N): So...what's the mission now?

Kendo: Now? I guess we go back to training and getting ready for both the Sports Festival and the Finals. Luckily on the last, I know someone who's already taken the finals.

(Y/N): Your friend from the third years?

Kendo: Yep. Guys got a lot of information we can use.

(Y/N): Talk about resources. Again...seriously.

Kendo: Didn't you say you were done questioning how I got contacts?

(Y/N): Well...yeah. But-but-it does add to the conversation.

Kendo slightly giggled before taking a swig of her coffee. The awkward silence somewhat resumed as you both looked at your drinks.

Kendo: turn then.

(Y/N): If we are doing turns.

Kendo chuckled a bit before sighing and sitting up to look at you.

Kendo: Been working on a new bike. And personally, I think it will be pretty sweet.

(Y/N): disrespect but you know you won't be able to drive that thing for three more years.

Kendo: Yeah. But it will still be pretty sweet. When I do, I'm driving all the way around the country before we graduate.

(Y/N): Talk about a challenge.

Kendo: wanna ride with me?

(Y/N): I mean...not sure now the skin would hold up with the wind in my face 24/7 but...I think it will be pretty cool.

Kendo: Cool enough for tall, emo, and vampire?

You slightly laughed as Kendo laughed with you. You both then turned back to one another as the air settled.

(Y/N): So, you get to call me emo, what do I get to call you?

Kendo: That is entirely up to you. And don't say something stereotypical.

(Y/N): Oh then my lips are sealed.

You both laughed a bit before looking back at one another.

Kendo: So...uh...what kind of words did you have in mind? Not that I'm trying to poke in...again.

(Y/N): I mean...if we are being honest, you did say "Nothing Stereotypical".

Kendo: I did get your family back together so...

(Y/N): (Sighs) Really?

Kendo: Really.

(Y/N):' to describe you as Intelligent, strategic and fun-loving.

Kendo gave you a light smile as you returned it. You both just stared at one another until you broke it and coughed to clear your throat and the air around you both. You both then looked at one another. The look was sudden and when you both locked eyes, it was honestly hard to look away or say anything at all. Then, as if on instinct, you and Kendo both moved towards one another and kissed.

For what it was worth, it was one of passion and honestly, you both loved it. You could feel Kendo place her hand on your cheek as you both finished off the kiss. After a couple of seconds, you broke the kiss and pulled back from one another. You both opened your eyes and looked at one another, blushes on each other's faces. You two just stared at one another, not really knowing exactly what to say.

You gave a kinda awkward chuckle with Kendo following suit and smiling at you. The silence was still evident as you both just stared at one another with neither knowing what else to do. So, with a cough, you cleared the air and decided to start talking again but the only topic that came to mind was the kiss.

(Y/N): So...uh...that was a thing.

Kendo: Yeah. It really was. Was...was that your-

(Y/N): Was it yours?

Kendo: Yeah. I mean, yes. Yes, it was.

(Y/N): Was it any good?

Kendo: Was yours?

(Y/N): Answer on three?

Kendo nodded. You silently began to wave, signaling the numbers from three down to one.

(Y/N) and Kendo: Yes!

You both looked at one another and the blush returned to your faces. Once again, the awkwardness of the air hit you both.

Kendo: want to...see where this goes?

(Y/N): Nothing will make me happier.

You both smiled again at one another. You both then made the decision to officially begin this relationship to the best of your abilities. This was the newest thing or either of you and this was nothing more than an experiment to you both. Honestly, you were just happy that she returned the feelings.

As it turns out, Kendo slowly began to develop some feelings based on your admiration, heroics, and willingness to do more for the world. You had also told her of your admiration of her and her own unique qualities. The entire conversation ended with another kiss and you both called it a day there. The day was called a double victory with you and Kendo bringing together your uncle and father from their somewhat hatred towards one another and you and Kendo becoming a couple.

For you, the last one outweighed the majority of the day's accomplishments. You both went home that night and crashed down on your beds and nearly passed out. But, when you did drift off, the thought of Kendo was still fresh in your mind along with the kiss. Either way for you both, you were both brought together...forever. 

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now