First Day on the Job

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You and Kendo spent some time walking around the agency, trying to get a feel for the area where you would be working for some time. Finally, you both reached the motor pool and found a few different vehicles. Three cars, one van, and finally, the motorcycle. Kendo had her eyes wide as she looked at it. She then slowly moved in and knelt down at the base of the bike. You joined her and looked it over with her.

(Y/N): So, uh, how does it look?

Kendo: Looks awesome! I was right, nice suspension and good tires. These things make for some incredible off-road capabilities.

(Y/N): Well, that seems cool. Maybe we could see if Techno would-

An alarm then began to go off, prompting Kendo to get away from the bike. She looked at you and you just shrugged. Suddenly, two hands came down on both your heads. You glanced back and saw it was Stitch. He pulled up a holographic alert system and it showed there was a fire and robbery nearby. An arson crime.

You and Kendo suited up and followed Techno and Stitch to the scene of the crime. The fire was raging on and people were scattered all over the place. Techno leads you four in front of the burning building and looked it over, assessing the situation. She pressed some buttons on the straps of her bag and a water hose was generated from it. She also pulled out two gloves and threw them at Kendo.

Techno: Those gloves are malleable. Working with your quirk! Put out the lower flames and get who you can out! Vampyric! Fly up to the top levels and get the civilians out! I'll join you in putting out some of the fires! Go!

(Y/N) and Kendo: RIGHT!!!

You used your quirk and flew up to the top floor and burst in through a window. You scoped out the area and ran through the room and burst open a door. You dashed into the room, looked around some more, and saw nothing. You used your increased speed to zip around the room, trying to find anyone. After clearing out the entire floor, you found one person still left. A little girl who was lost when her parents bolted out.

You grabbed her and jumped through a wall to escape. You slowly glided down and landed safely on the pavement. You glanced up and saw Techno was putting out the fires with some other firefighters. You sighed and flew back up and repeated the process. Another broken window, another floor searched. No one to save there, so it was to the floor below it. You found some animals and rescued them from harm's way.

(Y/N): Alright. (Panting) That's another floor down. (Cracks neck) Let's go!

You jumped up and went to go in for the fourth-highest floor. Once you got there, you saw that most of the flames had been put out. You heard some banging and ran into a room to see Kendo putting out another collection of flames. She glanced back at you once you walked over to her.

(Y/N): Anyone else here?

Kendo: No. I think everyone else must have gotten out.

(Y/N): Good. Now we can (cough) get the hell out of here.

Kendo: Lean on me!

You did so without question. Kendo wrapped her arm around you and helped you out to the window you burst in through and got you onto a fire escape. She climbed through the window, picked you up with her quirk and jumped down, and landed safely onto the ground below. Techno had seen this and flew straight down and let the other firefighters handle the rest of the flames.

Techno: Vampyric, Battle Fist! Are you two ok?!

Kendo: I'm alright. But I think he had too much of a smoke intake.

(Y/N): And the heat did not help my skin.

Techno: Your skin?

(Y/N): I'm pale. It's my quirk. I can't handle heat or sunlight that well.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now