Melting Stone

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So, there stood Bruno Manhin, the notorious gangster, easily one of the most notorious in all of Japan, surrounded by 12 UA students, four pro heroes, and a few dozen police officers. He panted a bit as he spun around to look at everyone around him. Vlad King was standing on a rooftop, looking down at him with Dracuul and Techno at his sides. From the shadows, Shadowshifter herself emerged and looked down at Bruno.

Techno: Bruno Manhin...I'm not even going to read off what you are wanted for. I'm sure it gets boring for you. Surrender and make this easier for everyone involved.

Bruno glared up at the pros. He slowly moved his gaze down towards you and Kendo. He slowly began to raise his hands, signifying his surrender. You glanced at Kendo and she looked back at you. You sighed before slowly walking over towards Bruno, ready to arrest him. However, you quickly saw the trap being sprung as Bruno used his quirk to launch some metal towards you once you got in range.

You leapt backward and dodged some of the metal. That was the signal that he was not going to come quietly. Techno used her electric whip and wrapped it around Bruno's right hand. The cops opened fire as Vlad jumped down and moved to assist. Shadowshifter traveled through the shadows (obviously) and leapt up to Bruno's back. Dracuul leapt down from the roof and did a diving kick straight into Bruno's chest. Shifter flipped forward and kicked Bruno in the face.

Vlad landed and used his quirk to push back on the villain, launching him from the ground up to cancel out the force your parents delivered to his face. Other UA students ran in to finish off with the beat down, but Bruno yelled and launched more metal beams towards them and was able to counter several students. The cops then opened fire, resulting in Bruno forming shields and defending himself from harm.

You growled and charged in to fight him head-on. Kendo saw your feet move and joined in with you. You both lunged forward, flipped over the shields, and landed hits directly into his face and neck. Bruno grabbed both of your heads and held you up so the crowd could see.

Dracuul: (Y/N)?!

Vlad King: Kendo?!

Bruno: One more round and I crush both of their heads! You hear me!!!

Dracuul raised his hand to stop the shooting. The officers did as requested and the shooting ceased. You struggled, trying to fully see what was happening around you. You yelled a bit and punched at Bruno's wrist and chest. You tried to break free through any means necessary but it was slowly losing the capabilities to break free. You felt Bruno move slightly, trying to get out of the circle of cops and heroes.

As Bruno walked off, trying to get away from the pros, he kept his grip on you and Kendo, ever-tightening his hands, nearly crushing your skulls. You were certain you were going to be kidnapped until Kendo used her quirk in a quick act of defiance and sucker-punched Bruno in the face and stomach, making him drop you both. She spun around and backhanded Bruno and leapt up and punched him in the face again.

Students rushed in fast, literally for some. Two had speed-based quirks and grabbed you guys before letting Vlad and Dracuul in for attacks. As the two were fighting Bruno, Techno pressed a button and triggered an outgoing signal.

Techno: We're good. Let the heavies handle things!

You guys got up and everyone watched as Vlad and Dracuul kept punching and kicking Bruno Manhin. Completely unrelated, you saw an explosion go off about thirty blocks away. A smoke signal arose about 5 blocks away in the opposite direction. You smiled as you saw tons of different signals going off all around the city. You heard the revving of an engine sound and turned back to see Stitch with two motorcycles: the one Techno had at the meet and greet and the other one Kendo had repaired.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now