Trail by Fire Part 2

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Your entire class had passed the first trial of the provisional license exam. You guys were in the lounge waiting for the others to finish up as you got drinks and some food for your efforts. You were eating a sandwich as you saw some of your other classmates conversing with one another. You could also see Tetsutetsu taking a massive bite out of a chicken wing with some of the others. You chuckled a bit at the sight. You felt an arm on your shoulder as Kendo sat down beside you.

Kendo: Nice finisher.

(Y/N): Says you. You were the one who threw a boulder at a couple.

Kendo: They could handle it.

(Y/N): You sure about that one?

Kendo: Maybe? Now I'm getting worried.

You laughed as you saw Kendo ripped some of your sandwich off and took a bite from it. You looked back at the sandwich and glared back at her. After some more talking, a loud buzzer went off, alerting everyone inside the room.

Test Man: Villains have performed a large scale terrorist attack in a city! Since most buildings collapsed, many are severely injured. (Like before, the walls and roof of the room broke down) First responders are running a bit late due to damages around the city, so it's up to you young heroes to lead the rescue efforts. Your task is to save as many people as possible and treat all the injured. So, begin!

The remaining hundred took off running.

Kendo: We need to establish a safe zone. Bondo get to it. Monoma, copy his quirk, and also get building.

The two nodded and began to build. Meanwhile, the rest of you guys stayed as a group and moved to the closest cluster of destroyed buildings. Honenuki began to soften up some of the debris which allowed some of the others to easily tear into the ground. You found a group of five citizens inside the building.

Shishida: (Y/N), I can get the walls. Just start leading people out of here.

(Y/N): Right! Come on, guys.

You, Kaibara, Ibara, and Tokage got inside the building and swiftly began to take people outside the rubble and into the open.

Kendo: Honenuki, Tetsutetsu. Take some of our classmates and go find some more people. If some are here, then we should expect more.

Tetsutetsu: Right!

The two ran off with a few more of your classmates as you guys got the ones inside out. Kendo had run off with Tetsutetsu to help out with ply jobs so you were essentially placed in command. Some of your classmates had bandages inside belts so there were able to do minor patchwork on some of the injured.

Injured Person: I have to say, you kids are handling this much better than most.

Injured Woman: You idiot! We're not supposed to be helping them!

Ibara: Ma'am. With respect, please don't cause emotional harm to anyone. You have already been through enough trauma that you could cause some more by sheer accident.

The woman looked surprised by Ibara's answer so she just stayed silent. You got back to your feet and looked over the four civilians that you had saved.

Tokage: That's everyone bandaged.

(Y/N): Alright. We need to get moving. Anyone who wants to get these civilians to safety and start healing, get going. Everyone else, stick together, and find more injured.

The rest of your classmates nodded and went to work. You, Tokage, Ibara, and Shishida went out to find more harmed civilians while the others ran back to the camp. With that, the small montage of the life you lived began anew. You went to different points and rescued a small number of civilians, treated their wounds, and took off back to the main hub. Other heroes on site began to mend the wounds while you and your classmates went back out into the fight.

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