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The school day ended once the Mach Battles were over and the class figured out one another's quirks along with Vlad King. Despite the day ending, you stayed a bit later to pack up your gear and get better protected from the sunlight outside. You tied a cloak around you and placed your hat back onto your head. However, you felt a presence near you. You turned around and saw Kendo standing behind you.

(Y/N): Oh, hey, Kendo. What's going on with you?

Kendo: Not much. Just getting evaluated with the school. How about you?

(Y/N): Trying to make sure I don't get sunburned again. Well, it almost sundown, so, eh, I don't know.

Kendo: Wow. Really everything vampire-related.

(Y/N): Almost. Can't do the blood part. I don't need that.

Kendo: Really? I would have thought it would have been fully on vampire and blood and everything.

(Y/N): (Chuckles) Yeah. That's what a lot of people say. I remember my grandparents joked that my dad's the raw power of a vampire while my uncle took the blood away. It's actually kinda funny.

Kendo: I guess. So...I get that's why your uncle and father-

(Y/N): Don't get along? Yeah. Either way, this is what they get.

Kendo: So I take it you miss your uncle?

You glanced back at her, seemingly annoyed. Kendo gave an awkward look and rubbed the back of her neck and played with her ponytail.

Kendo: Sorry. I shouldn't be probing like that. I know it's not my place for-

(Y/N): No, it's fine. All because my father and uncle aren't a fan of one another doesn't mean I don't get to talk to him. I'd just lived in America for a bit with my parents so I couldn't talk to him regularly.

You threw your bag onto your back and turned back to her.

(Y/N): Live deep in the city or near the station?

Kendo: I take the train to get to school if that's what you're asking.

(Y/N): Then come on. I'll walk with you to the station.

You walked off with Kendo slowly following behind you. The two of you walked and made some small talk, mostly going along to quirks and expectations for UA. Other than that, there wasn't much to discuss. However, that gives you time to know one another.

Kendo: So, you lived in America for some time. What was that like?

(Y/N): It was fun. Lived out in Utah with a friend of mine. Liked going by Frost.

Kendo: Anything else?

(Y/N): Uh...drugs, gunfights, a lot of insults online and so on and so forth.

Kendo: Kinda like the golden age of heroes?

(Y/N): Wasn't that fun but yeah. I guessed if you want that connection, sure. How about you? What's your story?

Kendo: Not much to say. Grew up in Chiba Prefecture. Pretty busy place but that's what you get for living in a big hero area. Always grew up around Pros.

(Y/N): And that's why you wanted to become a hero?

Kendo: A small inspiration but yeah. Obviously your family became your major motivation.

(Y/N): Kinda. Like you, it is a motivational factor but it's not the driving force.

Kendo: Then...what is your driving force?

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now