Battle of the Bowl

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The next few days of work studies were pretty decent. Some fun villain chases here and there got a thoro understanding of hero works around Hosu. While crime was low, thanks to the hero-villain from a couple of months ago, it still meant things were as busy as they always were in Japan with hero society running around. Despite that, things were good. Good hours, you were getting paid as well, and overall, good experience. On that Friday, you and Kendo decided to head on down to the Sugar Bowl as a weekly reward-type deal.

With Techno working on the case for Manhin, it gave you guys plenty of time on your own patrols to take time off and kick back a little. So, you guys got out of your costumes and into civilian clothing before walking into the Sugar Bowl. Two of the usuals were ordered, a chocolate smoothie for yourself with a burger, and Kendo had coffee with a small sandwich.

(Y/N): So, what do you think is happening at the school?

Kendo: Don't know. Probably the same thing as always. So, this case for Manhin. What do you think is going to happen?

(Y/N): Not sure. Why do you ask?

Kendo: I'm worried. If the evidence is accurate, that means the auto body shop that I grew up in, where I figured out my entire life means nothing. It's a hole for villains. And so far, we're the only ones who know about it. Think about how many innocents could be hurt or even worse because of this front. And then there is the possible-

(Y/N): Kendo. Itsuka. Calm down. Listen, we know somewhere in that building, someone works directly for Manhin. It's not everyone in that place works for him. And besides, you know that place like the back of your hand. I wouldn't worry about a thing, ok?

Kendo: Well, I still will be.

(Y/N): And that works for me.

You went back to eating your food. Kendo was about to join you, but she stopped herself and looked back directly at you. You stopped, swallowed, and looked back at her.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Kendo: You've been calling me by my first name for a bit now. Any reason as to why?

(Y/N): I mean, we've been dating for about 6 months now. I don't know, just kinda felt right. Sorry. Remember, I'm technically an exchange student from the states. Still am trying to know my culture and all that.

Kendo: Well, I'm ok with that. Just don't do anything too stupid with it.

(Y/N): (Chuckles) Will do.

You both went back to eating and spending some time together. The place went quiet, just as ambient as ever, with some rock music being played over the speakers inside. During dinner, you got a text from Tetsutetsu, showing off his job for the day with Class 1-A's Kirishima. Honestly, the more they talked, the more it seemed they were like brothers.

According to your other friends, things were going pretty well on every end. Your friends were fighting low to mid-level villainy and doing public services. It was quite cool to see and think about. Other than that, the food was great as always, and the talks with Kendo were fun. It still honestly amazed you she was still dating and-get those thoughts out of your head (Y/N). She loves you. Accept it!

Kendo got up, and she stretched a little before looking at you with a smile.

Kendo: Ready?

(Y/N): Yep. Let's get back to work.

You got up and followed Kendo to the exit. Just before you guys even got a foot in the doorway, Kendo saw a rocket flying towards you all. She yelled as she grew her hands and shielded the door and some of the windows as the rocket hit her directly and launched you both back into the restaurant.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now