Beach Trip

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You had your swimsuit and shirt prepared for your beach trip with your friends. Your mother had insisted on several layers of sunscreen and for you to never take off your baseball hat to protect your skin no matter the cause. You agreed with her and also took some sunglasses, a book, and some more sunscreen and food. You were to meet up with everyone else at the train station and head down to the beach. You were able to see Kendo first and smiled as you walked over to her.

From that, you both started talking about random stories here and there until Tetsutetsu and Ibara showed up. You both said your hellos and continue the conversations. Shishida was next to arrive with him apologizing about "running" late which was false. You guys had agreed to a mid-morning time, nothing overly concerning. Finally, Tokage arrived last, not all too concern for it either. Regardless, you guys got onto the train and took off towards the beach.

The trip was pretty nice all things considered as you guys talked about your summer vacations so far. Shishida was spending most of the time studying and improving muscles to better his quirk. Tokage was also working out, trying to improve her quirk as well. Tetsutetsu was doing what you and Kendo did and just hanging out, nothing overly pushy. Ibara was studying, reading a new book series someone from Class 1-A had gotten her into.

Regardless, you all had made it to the beach without any major concern. However, the second you all got onto the sand, Kendo handed you an umbrella and a chair. You gave her a confused look as she turned back to you.

Kendo: Pick a spot. I need to get changed.

You sighed as she walked off. Tetsutetsu walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Tetsutetsu: Well buddy. That's what you get. One minute you're on top of the world, the next you're carrying everything she's got.

(Y/N): Thank you for that motivation speech, Tetsutetsu.

Tetsutetsu: Always happy to help. Now come on, Ibara and Tokage already found us a spot.

You rolled your eyes and proceeded after your friends. The spot was a nice one, not too far from the shoreline and not too far from the sea wall separating the beach and the rest of the world. You stayed underneath the umbrella for a couple of minutes as well as keep your hat on your body at all times. You were honestly scared that your skin could burst into flames at any second. However, that notion only protected you from sunlight. Not your girlfriend walking down to the beach in a two-piece bikini.

A massive blush covered your face as she walked right up to you and pecked you on your cheek. You looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow.

(Y/N): No offense, but the last time you kissed me surrounded by people, we nearly got kicked out of the Sugar Bowl.

Kendo: I know, I know.

(Y/N): I'm just saying. You never know who's watching.

Kendo: Like now?

She stood away from you and you blushed a bit. Kendo rubbed the back of her head and sat down beside you.

Kendo: Honestly, swimsuits aren't really my style. I just thought that this would have been fun for everyone else involved.

(Y/N): Well, I think everyone is loving it so far.

Kendo: You think so?

You pointed out to the rest of the group to show her. Tetsutetsu was in the water with Shishida, splashing and riding waves in. Ibara was reading down at the shoreline, drinking some water as she read. Tokage was being the most childlike and building a sandcastle. Why? Because she clearly could. Kendo smiled and looked back at you and sat down. She went into a cooler Tetsutetsu brought with him and pulled out two sandwiches and handed one to you.

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