Family Fight Part 2

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The attempt to get your father and uncle to work together with one another again was still underway. You and Kendo could only spectate as All Might (your makeshift villain) pummeled both the pro heroes Dracuul and Vlad King. Currently, All Might was standing in a valley below your lookout point in front of the two pro heroes. You were a bit annoyed through All Might's determination to sell this thing rather than hold back. Kendo also noticed as she had her hand on yours, trying to calm you down.

Kendo: They'll all be ok.

You took a deep breath as you both continued to watch the fight.

(Y/N): But for how long is the question.

The two brothers slowly began to get up and face their shared enemy. Vlad King groaned before summoning a mass amount of blood around his fists. Before he could charge forward, Dracuul raised his arm to block the younger brother.

Vlad King: What is it now?

Dracuul: He has immense power. He's keeping us alive on purpose. But why?

The makeshift villain just stood there, fists up, and ready to attack.

Vlad King: He wants this.

All Might cocked his head to the side, seemingly questioning what the two were doing. Either one looked ready to attack nor did they really want to attack. He cracked his neck and slowly began to walk to the two brothers.

All Might: What?! Too scared to fight me now?! Or do you really think a strategy will work on me?!

Dracuul took a step back to be equal with Vlad King.

Dracuul: How do we do this?

Vlad King: What?

Dracuul: We need a plan. It cannot just be punch after punch. Think.

Vlad King and Dracuul looked back at All Might as he slowly walked towards them. All Might then took off in a sprint towards the two. Vlad looked down at the claw-like fingernails your father had grown. He then summoned some blood around his left arm and raised his fists.

Vlad King: Be ready. I'll be your distraction.

Dracuul: Alright.

As All Might approached, Vlad launched a wave of blood towards his enemy, getting it along the ground and making it spike up and onto All Might's arm. All Might broke out of the blood but could not dodge the quick slashes your father unleashed across the larger man's chest. All Might stumbled backward as your father continued to slash along his chest. While he was doing that, Vlad King began to run behind All Might to double team him.

After another slash, All Might spun around only to be met with Vlad King's fist. The two brothers began to punch and kick all over All Might, forcing the "villain" back into a corner. You and Kendo continued to watch, a bit of amazement to your face.

(Y/N): They're actually working together?

Kendo: See? I told you this was going to work!

(Y/N): Alright, alright. I'll give you that one. long do we want them to keep going at it?

Kendo: Long enough that they continue to work well with one another.

(Y/N): That's going to take awhile.

Kendo: And we have all day.

Kendo placed her hand on your shoulder, almost like she was pulling you closer to her. Meanwhile, the fight still continued with each brother fighting together. Both Vlad King and Dracuul punched All Might in the head and back before they spun around the man and punched him in similar areas again. The two brothers continue to use their quirks to keep beating down onto All Might, freezing him in place, tearing up the suit, or just getting him in the right spot. However, All Might extended his arms out and sent the two brothers flying across the quarry.

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