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Things did not go as planned when you brought out Kendo to be interned by your father. You were expecting similar lessons to be had and fun for both parties involved. However, that was clearly not the case. First was obviously the failure of him even trying to talk to Kendo, failing to start up a conversation. Following that it was obvious that the fight in the tower was the next major concern. Due to the powerhouse that was Bruno Manhin. Bruno was obviously way too much for either of you to handle and so it was obviously better to leave it to the pros.

Arguments could be made on who messed up more, but it's pretty obvious. So, the punishment? While you did directly injured Bruno that much, you did do serve damage to his associates. However, the police force and other pro heroes stepped up to take action and keep you both out of prison. Your father was forbidden to allow internships for the next six months, meaning you would have to find someone else. Additionally, he also received a pay cut, so now your mother had to step up her game in the hero scene.

This all led to today where you were stuck inside your room, tossing a ball up and down as you tried to alleviate your boredom. You grabbed your phone and sighed as you saw that Kendo had yet to respond to any messages you sent her. You groaned and placed your phone down and screaming into your pillow. You were annoyed but more sad than anything else. She most certainly didn't want anything to do with you given the events. Why would she? You had nearly ruined her entire career and nearly got her killed.

You then grabbed your phone again to text Tetsutetsu or Shishida to see if they wanted to hang out again. You just needed something off of your mind before the summer ended and you would have to see Kendo again. After a while, you gave up and crashed down onto the bed and rubbed your face in frustration. You got up and walked over to a punching bag and began to wail down on it There wasn't much you could do other than let your anger out.

You were angry at your father who didn't like Kendo, you were angry that the law prevented you both from fighting off the forces of evil, so on and so on. After a few rapid punches, left, right, left, right, uppercut, the bag finally broke a bit. You groaned in anger as you saw your bag break open like that. You walked over to your desk and pulled some masking tape to repair only for your phone to go off shortly after. You sighed, assuming it was one of your guy friends but no. It was Kendo.

Kendo: Sugar Bowl. We need to talk.

You had honestly no idea what to do or say other than you had to slowly process the information. After nearly doing a spit take of the message, you re-read it twice before you then slapped yourself in the face to regain control. She wanted to talk to you so you needed to be there. You grabbed your jacket and ran out of your room.

Shadowshifter: Where are you off to, young man?

(Y/N): Sugar Bowl. With some friends.

Shadowshifter: Anyone I know?

(Y/N): Tetsutetsu and Shishida. I'll see you soon!

Shadowshifter: Stay safe. And no fighting! I mean it, young man!

You rolled your eyes and ran out of the door. You were able to reach the restaurant without major concern and you got inside. You were able to see Kendo in her usual booth. You sighed and walked over to her and sat opposite Kendo. You weren't sure what to say or what to do, you just sat there and rubbed the back of your neck. In the awkwardness, a waitress came over and got you a drink order.

(Y/N): So...are we going to talk or what?

Kendo: I'm just wondering...do you think we may have pushed a bit too far?

(Y/N): I...yeah. Definitely. I just really wanted you to get some experience since I know Uwabami didn't give you the best internship and-

Kendo: I know you were looking out for me, but clearly that was not a perfect idea.

(Y/N): Well, to be fair, it was wrong place, wrong time. And Dracuul did give us exclusive permission to use our quirks. So, honestly, I see this as a complete win-win. Lose-win?

Kendo: Still trying to justify our actions?

(Y/N): Just pointing out the facts and letting you decide.

You both returned to silence as your drink order came over. You took a few sips as you both just sat there, waiting for conversation to continue. You both looked up at one another, straws in your mouths. You awkwardly giggled and leaned back onto each side of the booth. You both looked back to one another and you leaned forward to try and start conversation again.

(Y/N): So...why did you bring me here?

Kendo: Are your parents...still ok with us...you know? Or are they strictly against anything like it at all and-

(Y/N): Kendo. It was just some bad timing. That's all it was. No one blames you or me. Well, they blame us for taking action but the point is, either hates you. And if they did, who cares? No one is going to take that away from us so it doesn't matter.

Kendo: I mean, it kinda does.

(Y/N): Slightly. It slightly does! But that's beside the point. And...was that it?

Kendo: No. I...I was just wondering something. Do you think this is going to work out? Like maybe things haven't been so good and that we should-

(Y/N): Do you want to?

Kendo: Well, no. But-

(Y/N): Then we'll make it work out. It may not be the best, but if it was perfect, then why call it life?

Kendo gave you a smile and you returned it, trying to remain somewhat calm given the situation. You cleared your throat to try to continue the conversation in some form. However, no words came to mind and you looked back to Kendo.

Kendo: So...yeah. Now what?

(Y/N): I have honestly no idea. I want to say I know what's next, but I really, REALLY don't.

Kendo: Want a refill?

You cocked your eyebrow.

Kendo: Just trying to continue on this talk of ours.

You slightly chuckled as you both turned back to one another. You honestly had no idea where this little talk was taking you. So, when you both walked out of the restaurant and to the back alley, you were a bit confused. Until Kendo kissed you that was. You broke the kiss after a few seconds and looked back into one another's eyes.

Kendo: We're still keeping this, right?

(Y/N): Right.

You both giggled and walked off together to who knows where and to who knows what. The point was though, you both were together and nothing was going to change that fact, no matter what it was. Unbeknownst to you, however, your mother was in the shadows, watching you both as you walked away. She reformed herself and sat upon a ledge and sighed to herself. She then looked back down at you both and smile slightly.

After hanging out with Kendo for the entire day, you guys called it and walked off. You returned home and saw your mother standing in the kitchen.

(Y/N): Yes?

Shadowshifter: You don't have to lie. You think we don't like her?

(Y/N): Who?

Shadowshifter: (Y/N). Don't lie next time. If you want to spend time with Kendo then go out and do it.

(Y/N): What are you-were you spying on me?!

Shadowshifter: Didn't believe you. So DON'T lie next time.

You honestly had no words to say other than looking at her with utter shock and surprise. She smiled at you and returned to work in the kitchen while you stood there in shock.

Shadowshifter: Stop looking like an idiot and help me with dinner.

You did so without question this time.

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