Trail by Fire

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Since the battle against Bruno Manhin, you and Kendo along with Vlad King and Dracuul had all agreed on one thing (as did UA); provisional licenses are needed for you first years. This year, the heroics course seemed much more determined to make a name for themselves and do the right thing. So the school decided that in order to make sure these young heroes did not get in trouble for doing your job. So, you guys began to work your asses off to train. So, you guys went out to a facility for the test.

Tetsutetsu: I still can't believe this is happening. I guess we should be thanking you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): It was just a matter of circumstance.

Tokage: Still. You guys think this will be easy?

Kendo: I wouldn't bet on it. Still, I think this will be pretty sweet.

Vlad King: That's enough chit-chat. You have a test to complete. And...nice work you kids.

You smiled as Vlad King ushered you guys inside. There had to be at least over a thousand kids in that room, all aiming to become pro heroes. You and your classmates were surprised by the sheer number so the intimidation factor went up.

Kendo: Stick together guys. We can handle this.

From the stage in front of the room, a man arose, looking like a pro hero himself. Shishida was able to recognize him as "Test Man". An old school hero, clearly aging but just enthusiastic about his job at the Public Safety Admission. From there, the old guy went on to explain the exam to you guys and how everything was going to work out.

Test Man: So, getting down to the basics! Over 1500 of you fledgling heroes will be competing in a free for all exercise. Since the arrest of Stain, the retirement of All Might, and other battles involving the lack of powerful heroes, which means there are too many of you in the field. Honestly, the time from when an incident begins and when it ends is ridiculously short. You are all here trying to receive your provisional licenses so you'll be swept up in this tiresome mess yourselves. Those who don't have the speed won't cut it. So, only the first 100 will be up for consideration after this first test.

Dread filled the room. Instantly chatter among peers could be heard for miles as everyone was in shock by the results.

Kendo: Hundred people? There are more than 1500 already taking this exam!

(Y/N): Less than 1% of us. (To yourself) God help me.

Test Man: The world is cruel like that you noobies. So, rules. Each examinee will place three targets along his or her body. They can go anywhere so long as it is exposed. Each student will also be given six balls. When the balls hit the target, they light up. If all three of your targets are lit up, then you are out. You pass by eliminating 2 people. We'll give you time while we open up.

Tokage: Open?

Suddenly, the walls and ceiling of the room folded outward and it was revealed you all were in some massive arena with different environments left and right.

(Y/N): Oh yeah. Now I've seen it all.

Kendo gave you a bit of a smug look. So, with the targets prepared, the other students took off towards different regions of the area. Kendo issued every one to stay close no matter what, something everyone was in agreement for. The next thing you knew was the match began and nearly every single school tried to attack UA. Of course, you guys were able to fight back against them and then unleashed your own attack.

Shishida used his strength from Beast to shake up the ground and throw other schools off their game. Bondo used his quirk to create a wall around 1-B in order to remain safe from the balls. Kodai used her quirk to expand the wall and better defend everyone. You acted like a scout and flew upward to lure some people in close. Kamakiri, Pony, Monoma, and Shoda used their quirks to affect everyone long ran, already knocking a few students onto the ground.

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