Motorcycle Practice

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The following day, you had decided to head down to the Autobody shop in order to meet up with Kendo for some more motorcycle practice. It was more or less how to repair one more than anything else which you were fine with. The owner of the shop told you Kendo was in the back corner where she usually worked and you walked over. You kneeled down beside her and looked over the bike she had on a stand.

(Y/N): So, what did you think of the song?

Kendo: It was alright. Could've used some better cords.

(Y/N): Hey, fulfilled the request.

Kendo: Keep telling yourself that. Now then, hand me that wrench. Once I'm done here, we can move onto today's lesson.

You rolled your eyes, a bit annoyed by the comment but complied. Kendo smirked a bit as she continued her work. The bike looked cool as she tightens the back wheel tight enough to operate without concern. She got her hands greased up and went to work through much of the bike some more. After she spun the front wheel and applying a bit of grease and made it faster, she nodded and stood up and smiled at her work.

Kendo: Done.

(Y/N): Positive?

Kendo: Eh, maybe. I could go ahead and oil some bits up and rework the suspension on a few other places or I could-

(Y/N): Kendo?

Kendo: (Laughs) Just messing with you. Alright, ready?

You nodded and Kendo lead you to a different bike to walk you through with repairs. Clearly, they were small stuff but nothing you couldn't handle. Oiling up so gears, stress testing suspension and replacing the engine; basic one-two stuff. Then again, it was Kendo doing more of the work and talking you along the more important things. Kendo flopped the bike back to its wheels, and looked at you and smiled.

Kendo: There we go. Set and prepped.

(Y/N): Sure, but you did the heavy lifting.

Kendo: Yeah. Big Fist. Why wouldn't I do the heavy lifting?

(Y/N): Because my quirk can let me lift just as much if not more?

Kendo gave you a deadpanned look and walked out back with the motorcycle to get the thing tested. You looked back and raised your hands up in a defensive fashion.

(Y/N): I'm not wrong! I'm not-Kendo?! I'm not wrong!!!

You ran into the back with Kendo to catch up to her. Once outback, you saw her with the bike in line up next to ride. She was talking to an employee who took the bike as she walked over next to you to watch. You gave her a questioning look which she smiled back at you. You smiled back, keeping confidence high. You guys looked back to the test track with smiles on your faces.

The bike before yours went off without a hitch. The rider did three laps, doing flips, popping wheelies, and seemed to be having the time of his life. You only looked back in amazement as Kendo looked like a child at a candy store. Finally, the bike you and Kendo worked on was up. She had a smile on her face, confident in her work.

(Y/N): Everything ok?

Kendo: I always get like this before a test run.

(Y/N): Well, I have all the faith in you.

Kendo gave you a smile and returned her gaze to the track. The rider then took off. The drive seemed to be going well so far as after the initial lap, the rider had driven over two hills and popped a wheelie without consequence. The second lap then began. The ride was going pretty good until the guy went for a front flip. Another employee yelled not to do it, but clearly, the rider didn't care. The rider almost fell onto his back with the bike on top of him if you and Kendo didn't spring into action.

Kendo saw the impending storm and ran onto the track and used her quirk to push the guy off of the bike. You also flew in and landed right before the bike and caught it with your bare hands, sliding back just a bit. Kendo turned back to you and saw catch the bike with minor concern. She smiled at seeing you ok and then turned back to the rider.

Kendo: Tojo, what were you thinking?!

Tojo: Calm down Itsuka. I'm fine. Clearly.

Kendo: If you're going to ride her around like that, know the limits to the track and the bike. She's more of a street rider.

Tojo: Fine little lady. Knock yourself out!

(Y/N): Wait, wait, wait! Kendo, don't try it!

Kendo ran back over to the track and got onto the bike. You were about to go after her but Tojo held you back. He nodded and you just stepped back to let her ride. You were still concerned but clearly, she must have done this before. Kendo readied the bike and revved up the engine before she took off down the track.

(Y/N): Go get it done, Babe!!!

Kendo took off down the road. She was able to drive like a champ, going through the course without much consequence, and easily moved through the solum section of the course. Then came the actual roadway. Kendo was easily able to drive along it and go over a few ramps with ease once again. Once she landed, she revved up the engine once and took off down the road back to you guys. She revved it up once again and slid to stop herself just as was about to hit either of you or Tojo.

Kendo took off the helmet as Tojo gave a small clap. You, meanwhile, just looked amazed as she smirked at you. You honestly had no idea what to say or how to say it. She gave you a wink and got off of the bike and gave her helmet to Tojo.

Kendo: And that Tojo is how you should have handled her.

Tojo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that Little Kendo. Get outta my shop.

Kendo: For doing your work, sure.

Tojo: Oh come on! Learn comedy!

You and Kendo then walked away from the shop and left. She had used a rag from the store to clean herself off as she walked off, still with a smile on her face.

(Y/N): Hey, so not meaning to sound like a jerk, but I had no idea you could drive. I mean, we have to wait until we're 18 for that and-

Kendo: Remember when I said I knew just about everyone since I got these connections?

(Y/N): (Sighs) Let me guess, you fix the bikes for free and in exchange, you get motorcycle lessons and driving lessons in general?

Kendo: Bingo.

(Y/N): Honestly, why am I not surprised at all?

Kendo: Because I'm full of surprises.

You chuckled as you and Kendo walked away from the shop. The walk was nice and today was in total, a good one. You got to see the girl of your dreams defend her honor and one-up someone and you got to spend some time with her as well. As you guys were walking away, you wrapped an arm around Kendo and pulled her close to you, and pecked her cheek. She looked up at you and smiled warmly as you both kept walking.

Kendo: Took you long enough.

(Y/N): Tell that to the bike.

Kendo: Yeah, yeah. Love you.

(Y/N): Love you too.

You both kept walking, smiles on your faces. Suddenly, the realization hit you like a rock and you slowly turned your head down to meet Kendo's gaze. You both had blushes on your faces, not knowing exactly what to be doing from here. You both kinda kept staring at one another until you guided you both into an alleyway.

Kendo: (Y/N)?

You kissed Kendo on the lips once you were in the clear. She returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around your neck. You two then broke the kiss and looked back into one another's eyes and smiled.

(Y/N): I love you.

Kendo: I know. 

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now