Midterm Study Session

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Midterms. The bane of every high school student across the world. A cumulative test of everything we have learned throughout the entire year. It wasn't the end of the semester so not everything was going to be terrible. However, that didn't mean the thought was not going to loom over everyone long enough. Vlad King had handed out review assignments to you guys and gave you a basic overview. Then just left the room.

Tetsutetsu: Oh man! This is gonna suck!

Tetsutetsu slammed his head down onto the table and you softly patted his back. You propped yourself up onto a desk and Kendo came and sat down beside you.

Kendo: It won't be too hard. The exam is really just going to be the basics.

(Y/N): I mean, it will suck but yeah, it won't be terrible.

Kendo: You know, we could have a study session at the Sugar Bowl. It's a usual hangout spot for UA students and for those studying exams.

(Y/N): Yeah. Sounds like fun!

Shishida: Sounds like something a class rep would do.

Tokage: I'm in!

Tokage, Shishida, Tetsutetsu, Ibara and you all agreed. So, after doing some of the review notes, the day was called and you all headed on out to the Sugar Bowl and took seats to sit down and study while also getting some food and drinks.

(Y/N): Wow...never been to a place like this before.

Kendo: Really? I would have thought you would have been invited to more stuff in America. I thought it was a lot more social.

(Y/N): Yeah well...some people are a lot more judgemental when they hear that your powers are similar to a bloodthirsty parasite.

Kendo: Oh...I'm sorry I didn't mean to-

(Y/N): Hey, don't worry about it. Just be sure you know you're one of the first few people to invite me out to stuff.

Kendo gave you a smile that you returned. Tetsutetsu then brought over the food and drinks and placed them down and dished them out. You also noticed that Tetsutetsu had spinach smoothie of all things along with Kendo and black coffee rather than a cool drink.

(Y/N): Tetsutetsu, why the spinach smoothie? I thought you hated vegetables.

Tetsutetsu: Most. Most vegetables. Spinach has got a lot of iron in it which powers up my quirk. No different than you and "darkness".

(Y/N): First of all. It's a shadow. It's just like that one guy from Class 1-A.

Kendo: So, if I splashed this coffee onto you, you get more power?

Some of the people at the table laughed and you chuckled to yourself. You then turned to Kendo and gave her a playful smug look.

(Y/N): Do it.

Kendo slightly pushed her cup and nearly sprayed you with her coffee. That got some more people to laugh and you chuckled to yourself once again. Once you six calmed down you then had a small realization and glanced around the table than around the restaurant.

(Y/N): Hey, where's Monoma? Shouldn't he be here?

Kendo: He said he had his own way of studying.

Kendo shrugged before getting out her packet and guys began your work. You guys ultimately decided to break things down into pairs and go through work. You and Kendo were working on quadratics and history, Tetsutetsu and Shishida were working on English and literature while Ibara and Tokage were working on heroics. Despite you always beating Ibara, she was quite the powerhouse. It just so happens that your speed and strength always outmatched hers.

Tokage also knew much more with basic heroics than you did due to her being let in based on recommendations. She was also quite the powerhouse since she was able to take on Tetsutetsu and Monoma at once with her quirk. But aside from that, the two knew what they were doing.

As stated before, Tetsutetsu surprisingly loved the English language, he was even trying to become fluent with it. Shishida loved literature, citing his family's library where he spent most of his days. As it turned out, he had a pretty rich background compared to some of you guys. Either way, those two were differently the ones for the job of reviewing that junk.

You and Kendo took on everything else. Luckily for you two, you guys were all arounders so you knew basically everything with the help from one another and the notes. Once each section was done, you guys traded off answers and the packet was finished. Just as you guys were about to relax after the grueling work, someone slammed a spatula onto a countertop and made you all jump.

Chef: Alright kids, closing time.

Everyone: Argh!

Kendo: Come on, Shuga! I thought you were cool.

Shuga: Sorry Little Itsuka. Closing time is closing time. Now get on outta here.

Kendo rolled her eyes and the rest of the group followed her outside. Luckily there were benches outside that were public access so you guys crashed down there and sighed to yourselves.

Kendo: Sorry about that one guys.

(Y/N): It's out of your control, Kendo. Don't worry about it.

Ibara: Agreed. Besides, it was quite fun to work as one. Like an actual team of heroes.

Tetsutetsu: Yeah! At least I don't feel like I'm going to bomb any of this.

You gave Tetsutetsu a playful finger gun to which he smirked back with You. You guys then heard and felt some rumbling. Before you knew it, a large man ran past you guys and kicked a car back at a guy on a motorcycle.

(Y/N): Whoa! Villain chase!

The guy on the motorcycle slid under the car and leaped up and threw a punch with a large amount of blood, slamming into the villain. Your friends gasped as you realized it was Vlad King to the work. The blood grabbed onto the villain's ankle, however, the villain was able to break out of the blood. Vlad took off his helmet and threw it at the villain's head before rolling along the ground and uppercutting the villain.

Kendo: Whoa! Talk about power.

Your ears then perked up and you looked down the street.

(Y/N): It's not just him.

Down the street was your father, Dracuul. Your father kicked the villain in the face and spun around mid-air and kicked the large man in the mouth. The two brothers then punch the villain in both the leg and face, knocking him out. A few citizens applauded the two as did you and your friends.

Dracuul looks at you and smiles, giving you a thumbs up. He then looked over to Vlad King only to see his brother walk off and pick up his motorcycle. After he moves it, you then noticed Kendo was busy observing the bike.

(Y/N): Didn't know you liked motorcycles.

Kendo: Yeah. Call it what you will. I just think they're so cool. I didn't even know Mr. Vlad King had a motorcycle.

(Y/N): Yeah. He's had that thing since he could drive.

Kendo: That's awesome!

(Y/N): I can send you pictures.

Kendo smiled back at you. Meanwhile, your father walked over to Vlad and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

Dracuul: Sekijiro. It's...it's good to see you again, little brother.

Vlad King: I'm 30 years old. I'm not that little.

Dracuul: I know. Please, just talk to me. Please...

Vlad King: ...Not now. Not in front of my students.

Dracuul: And my son.

Vlad King shoves Dracuul's hand off of his shoulder and gets onto his bike and drives off. Dracuul sighs and walks away. As he passes you, he gives you a wink and flies off. You look back down the street and sees your uncle drives off. You sigh and rub your neck. You look back and see Kendo giving you a sympathetic look. 

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