Sing Song

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You were a bit stressed out for a few reasons here and there. As it turns out, you had gotten a light sunburn along your right arm. So, you had to keep it covered and apply layer after layer of lotion to keep it controlled. When you told Kendo about it, she was more remorseful and sorry than you had ever seen her be. You had to really try and calm her down which worked after around the third attempt of doing so. And there was still the bet with Kendo as well from the volleyball game.

You had to write or at least sing some sort of song to her, again original or otherwise. You did have to admit, it was going to be a challenge either way. You weren't much of a singer yourself and your skills on instruments were flunky at best. You were great on the piano though, so you had that going for you. But that plus the sunburn did give you the excuse to stay indoors for around a week which was great.

You had invited Tetsutetsu over to hang out, play video games, stuff like that. You both were playing a platformer up in your room, trying to make it through the levels with no consequence yet constantly annoying one another to no end. After clearing another castle and another princess, you guys took a short break. You had crashed down onto your bed and sighed.

Tetsutetsu: You doing alright man?

(Y/N): Yeah, just tired as hell.

Tetsutetsu: Trying to get that thing for Kendo done?

(Y/N): Yep. Still surprised by that. Never thought she be into that kinda stuff.

Tetsutetsu: And now we know.

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm not sure how or what I'm going to do.

Tetsutetsu: Well, maybe I could help.

(Y/N): Not much you can do. I already have a good plan. I just need time and singing lessons.

Tetsutetsu: So, what are you planning on then?

(Y/N): You'll find out. Lunch?

Tetsutetsu: Hell, yeah!

You chuckled and walked downstairs so you both could get some food. You made sandwiches in a similar style to your beach trip as a way of paying him back for stealing sandwiches back then. During lunch, Tetsutetsu brought up his mother who used to own the Sugar Bowl and owns a small sandwich shop which is how he picked up the talent. You both then returned to your room and just continued to hang out.

Tetsutetsu: So man, I was wondering if I could ask you something.

(Y/N): If it's about Kendo then I am starting up the next world.

Tetsutetsu: I'm just saying. You should have seen some of the guys' faces when you two came clean. They were pissed!

(Y/N): How pissed are we talking here?

Tetsutetsu: Well, if you give me some information, I'm sure you can tell how-

You unpaused the game causing Tetsutetsu to yell as you started up the next level of the game. You both laughed and continued on the playthrough until he had to leave for evening training with his father. It was quite enjoyable to see him play and just to mess with one another over and over again like children. However, once Tetsutetsu was done, you went right back to practice. Rather than a piano, you chose a different instrument altogether, the guitar.

You continued to practice with the instrument as you found online lessons to use. It was fun while also very confusing when it came to deciding how much pressure to apply for the strings. However, you paused once your dad got home. It was another basic day of hero work here and there and it seemed to be going pretty smoothly for him. Vlad also entered the house and sat down for dinner with the rest of you guys.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now