Mach Battles

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You saw Pony launching several horns, three currently, towards Shishida while Kamakiri watched, knives along his body. Without hesitating, you flew up with your bat form and flew down towards the three before you transformed back into your human form. You smirked as you knew what came next. The fun was about to begin. Kamakiri must have seen you as he raised a hand and extended a large blade from his hand.

You flipped back and landed along the blade's blunt side and pushed off to a stone wall. You then pushed off again and reeled back a punch and hit him in the face. The punch was able to send Kamakiri into a wall and you entered a quick stance. You sensed a presence and saw Pony trying to attack you again with some kicks. You blocked two of them and Shishida grabbed her horns and threw her back into another wall.

You smiled at Shishida, but the joy was stopped once Kamakiri unleashed more blades at you two. You both dodged the attack. You transformed into a bat and flew forward before transforming back and kicking him in the face and backflipping back to your teammate.

Pony: Kamakiri!

Pony launched four horns at you and Shishida, two hunting down each. Shishida must have activated his quirk because he began to scream and shout all around the small fight. He flipped forward and used the rocks to get the height advantage from Pony. He then leaped down, spun around and grabbed the two horns from Pony and threw them at the girl, getting her off balance. Shishida landed, grabbed Pony and threw her at Kamakiri, knocking both out.

Shishida took a deep breath and deactivated his quirk.

Shishida: Sorry about that one. I get a little angry when my quirk goes out.

(Y/N): Good to know.

A buzzard went off.

Vlad King: Kamakiri, Pony, and Manga have been eliminated. Tetsutetsu has been eliminated.

(Y/N): What?!

Shishida: Hey, (Y/N), I believe we should head back to our group.

(Y/N): What makes you say that?

Something slapped you in the back of the head. You groaned and saw Tokage's mouth on the ground with her eyes beside it.

Tokage: Come on! Tetsutetsu is down! His surprise attack didn't do so well against Ibara as we thought it might but it did take down Manga. Kendo isn't doing the best against Ibara and Monoma right now.

(Y/N): Right.

You grabbed Tokage's mouth and eyes and placed them inside your hat. You then took off towards the starting point with Shishida right behind you. Back at the starting point, Kendo punches through Ibara's vines and sees Monoma unleashing a similar attack to Tokage's main body. Kendo flips back, runs over to Tokage's body and picks it up and gets out of the way of the vines. She flips back again and over Ibara.

Kendo expands her hand with her quirk and hits Ibara in the face before she lands and sets Tokage's body onto the ground. Vines then emerge below her and grab her. She looks back and sees Monoma was the one who attacked her.

Kendo: Stupid copy quirk. One's bad enough but two.

Kendo expands her hands again in order to break free, to which she is successful. She spins around in mid-air and claps her large hands together, blasting Monoma in the face with wind pressure. Kendo sighed once Monoma was blasted back into a wall. However, that didn't stop Ibara from doing a similar move but instead wrapped around her wrists.

Kendo: Crap. She obviously saw that attack. Now, what do I do about-

Shishida activated his quirk again and leaped towards Ibara. Ibara turned around and used her hair as a shield to stop him. However, Tokage was able to break her arms off of her body and they were able to attack Ibara while she was distracted. The arms grabbed the girl's mouth and leg, making her trip along the ground. Shishida rolled behind the vines and grabbed Ibara to attack her.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now