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You finished the long walk down to Techno's hero agency. You were still somewhat shocked that both Kendo and Techno weren't completely mad at you. Certainly, they should be, and they most likely were, but hey, at least they wouldn't mind seeing you again. So, you took a deep breath in and out, finally, you walked into the office. Going up the stairs, you were surprised by the pandemonium going on before your eyes.

Techno was yelling at Stitch with Kendo somewhat trying to quell the situation down a few pegs.

Techno: Don't you DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!!

Stitch made a few signals, speaking American Sign Language as he looked directly at Techno; annoyed anger on his face.

Techno: Excuse me?! I am your boss! Since when the hell do you use that tone with me?!

Stitch rolled his eyes and looked back at her and made some more hand motions.

Techno: What did you just say to me? (Stitch repeated the motions) There are children present! How could you call me that with two young heroes present and-

Techno slowly turned her head off to the side and saw you standing by the stairs. Stitch made more gestures to silently tell Techno something which got her to glare back at him. Techno sighed and looked back at you before waving you over.

Techno: Come on. We haven't got all day.

You saw this and quickly nodded and walked over beside Kendo. Techno looked at you and cocked an eyebrow up at you. You looked back at her with the same level of confusion. She walked over to you and softly placed a hand on your shoulder. You cocked an eyebrow at her and she gave you a smile.


(Y/N): I....

Techno: Whatever, whatever, whatever. (Sighs) Happy you are back with us, kiddo. Your girl was really starting to freak me out a little.

Kendo: Excuse me?!

Techno laughed as she walked back over to Stitch.

Techno: Alright then kiddos. We'll keep it easy today in favor of the bombastic nature of yesterday. And I thought you two were well versed in the subject matter. Recently, Bruno Mahin escaped prison. He has taken back his auto ring all over again. Now, security around some of these shops sucks, but I know a guy who knows a guy when it comes to auto body shops.

Techno walked forward and threw down images of an auto body shop. The same one Vlad went to. The same one Kendo worked part-time. You both raised your eyebrows and looked at the images. There was Manhin, walking into the shop like he owned the place. Him driving out with three cars behind him.

Techno: Granted his auto body gig and taxi service are legit businesses. However, pro heroes and police know more than this. So, I'm taking whatever contacts I can get my hands on, working with other pros and cops and we're going to bring this guy back in. So, Battle Fist, what can you tell me about this shop and Vampyric, what can you tell me about his strength?

You and Kendo looked at one another. You nodded at her and she sighed and stepped forward.

Kendo: The auto body shop is run by a family friend. Nice man. Some of the workers are nice. Two are ex-military. One is a mute, quiet as they come. Always had a wrench with him. Made it more visible, at least to me, when he learned I was going to UA. Total staff is about 8 guys, not counting the clean-up crew, but they are outside.

Techno: Understood. Vampyric?

(Y/N): He has the strength of at least 20 or 30 men. Brutal and unrelenting. His quirk is absorbing metal and using it to build strength. Was easily able to take on Battle Fist and myself without much effort. Heck, it was really my father and uncle who took him down. Their method was an ambush and quick, strong strikes along his face and stomach. My uncle also used his quirk to better pin Manhin.

Techno placed her hand on her chin and paced a little. She had several plans in mind for how to take him down. The problem was efficiency.

Techno: Can he utilize any metal from his past absorptions?

(Y/N): Wouldn't surprise me.

Techno growled in annoyance. She sighed and looked back at you and Kendo.

Techno: Hate to do it to you kids like this, but today is going to be a research day. Pull up any files the Hero Archive has on Manhin. I want to know everything you can find out about this guy and what we can exploit to arrest him and keep him detained till the end of his days. Dismissed.

Techno walked off with Stitch. You and Kendo sighed a little before walking over to two of the computers in the room to get to work. Before you could even begin to do research, you stopped yourself. You sighed and looked over at Kendo and saw her doing her work. You reached over and grabbed her shoulder.

Kendo: Yeah?

(Y/N): I'm...I'm sorry.

Kendo: For what?

(Y/N): For getting hurt again. For not doing my job. You know, my uncle even told me before we took off "Don't rush in. We can't afford another hero going down because of you." I didn't mean to-

Kendo: (Y/N), it's ok. You did your job. We're technically pros now. So, it's not like we're really going to negatively impact anyone else. (Smiles) Don't worry about it, ok? You'll be fine. Although, the fact that my old stomping ground is infested with villains doesn't make me feel any better.

(Y/N): Hey. We'll beat those guys. Get that place back up top. Don't worry about it.

Kendo: But-

(Y/N): Itsuka. (Her eyes widen as she turns to face you) I'm here for you. And I'll always be here for you. And if you help kicking these guys down, then we'll do it together. Like we always do.

Kendo slowly begins to smile. The two of you nodded and began to go at it with the research to find out more about Manhin. You two worked your butts off the entirety of the day, finding news articles, prisoners' files, going into bank statements, and otherwise. Information around his quirk, theories, confirmed statements, and so on and so forth. All found and turned over to Techno.

Techno was marveled by how much research you two did in your time at her office. Even more so than some of the sidekicks that worked under her. A few sidekicks went out to fight villains, others helped compiled the data together into a nice format for Techno. Ultimately, everything got done well by 6 O'Clock so you and Kendo crashed down on the couch behind you guys, sighing and taking in deep breaths.

(Y/N): Well...that was brutal.

Kendo: What did you expect? We went through dozens of articles and whatnot. I'm surprised you made it through it all.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Kendo laughed a bit and playfully slapped your arm before leaning on it. You both sighed and tried to calm down until you felt someone grabbed your heads and shook you both backup. Your eyes shot open and looked up to see Techno standing before you both.

(Y/N): Yes?

Techno: Well, you two did good work. Reward?

(Y/N): I'm fine, thanks. Battle Fist?

Kendo: I'm alright. Maybe some food though.

Techno: Ramen? (You two nod) Coming right up. Also, you guys can call each other by name here at any time. Names Tekku.

You both looked at each other and smiled and followed her down to the kitchen on the floor below the offices. The two of you got some hefty food, fulfilling the desires of consumption from now until you couldn't eat anymore. From there, Techno took you two out on evening patrol, taking down a few baddies but nothing much else.

(Y/N): (sighs) was a good day.


Inside a warehouse, Bruno Manhin stands over a monitor and looks down, and smirks to himself. On the monitor were files of the UA Sports Festival and hero files on both Vlad King and Dracuul. He has information on everyone who locked him up previously. Including you and Kendo. He smirked to himself again.

Bruno: was a good day.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now