Finish Line (Epilogue Part 1)

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Years had passed since taking down Manhin's entire criminal empire. It was a brutal fight trying to finish off the remnants of his organization, but it was fun doing it with good people and close friends. Learning from Techno was also a ton of fun, her energy and fast pace teaching style along with her leadership made her ideal for developing technology and being at the forefront of support groups. But hey, that was the pro side of things. From UA, Nezu praised your actions throughout those months working to take down Manhin.

Apparently, that work studies did a lot of good for the country with major mobs being taken down. But like many things, that was years ago. Now, you were sitting in box seats along a race track. You were pumped up at seeing the current lead move fast down the track. You glanced up to the jumbotron and saw that your girlfriend, Kendo, was still in the lead, and having it grow with every second.

Kendo had chosen to follow her passion for motorcycles into the professional business as a side income from hero work. Not to mention, it did give you guys chances to live lives outside of the public view. And man was it fun to watch sometimes. Kendo became one of the best drivers in the nation's history, winning more wins than the previous record holder, and only being in her early 20's was better for the brand and record. Not to mention reputation. Either way though, it was fun to witness. Speaking of, you got out of your seat and smiled as you saw Kendo clear a hill and land successfully onto the ground and continue onward like nothing was to stop her.

(Y/N): Go Itsuka! Go!!!

Kendo kept driving, only holding the lead for more than two seconds. You smile as she kept going. The final lap was almost done. You glanced back and smiled as you heard the crowd chant her name. "Kendo! Kendo! Kendo!". You honestly couldn't be happier. You had no idea if Kendo was even paying attention to the crowd or not, but at this point, she would more than likely be focused on the road ahead. Still, though, it was so entertaining to watch. Low and behold that Kendo won yet another race. So, when she crossed, you darted from your seats down to the press tunnel.

You saw Kendo being swarmed by cameras and fans until she saw you. She had to fight her way through the crowd in order to reach some security guards. Once there, she smiled at you and gave you one of the largest hugs possible. You eagerly hugged her right back. You could hear some more press officials trying to get her attention but Kendo refused to listen.

(Y/N): Saw you out there today! Man, you were fantastic!

Kendo: I try. So, I take it you already have a place in mind?

(Y/N): I'm thinking low-key.

Kendo: Now that I can get behind.

You both chuckled and took off from the arena and into the downtown area. Driving through wasn't that rough, all you cared about was getting to the outskirts of town where the one place you wanted to go to most was located. The usual UA hangout spot is revamped and better than ever...the Sugar Bowl.

The place didn't seem as packed as the usual Friday night, but it was still a good-sized crowd. You guys got the usual booth since (despite it being six years) the owner still had a good connection to Kendo and her family. So, you guys got the usual and began to have a relaxing evening. Some of the UA students did recognize you guys from some archive footage and did ask for some autographs, which wasn't outside the usual. Still slightly annoying but hey, whatever.

Other than that, things were going swell for the night. Your hero agency was currently working alongside Techno's on a small murder case. Again, standard stuff really. It was still nice to know that through your close relationship to your former work studies mentor that you were able to build a nice ring of villain busters. Additionally, your parents had built a much stronger bond to UA and your uncle since the events that took down Manhin.

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