Work Studies Begin

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A week after the meet and greet and school work just kept getting higher and higher. Things got brutal pretty fast, especially with Green Thumb's heroics course. It wasn't unbearable, but it was very brutal. At some point, Tetsutetsu did faint, which did make you laugh a little. But regardless, the week started anew once again and everyone got ready for the day. You were a bit surprised as you saw some of your Class 1-B classmates running around like chickens without heads. You saw Shishida move quickly down the hall, so you quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.

(Y/N): Shishida? What's going on today?

Shishida: Today is the day we get our work studies. We officially go on duty tomorrow.

(Y/N): Wait? That early?!

Shishida: Yes! Please tell me you are excited!

(Y/N): Of course, I am! Just a little sudden is all, don't you think.

Shishida: As true as that is, one cannot be excited working as official pros for the first time.

(Y/N): Alright, I'll give you that.

Shishida smiled at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you both walked outside of the dorms and off to the main school. The class was already brewing with different talks about where each student would be going or their hopes of where they will be off to. Some hope for new pros such as Kamai Woods; others hoping for veterans of the field such as Best Jeanist. Some using connections from previous internships already knew who they would be working for.

You took your seat, nervous about what could happen. On the one hand, you were excited about this, believing wholeheartedly that you would work alongside your girlfriend with the Techno Hero Agency. On the other hand, you could see Techno rejecting you both over the incident with Bruno Manhin and your father getting academic probation. Either way, terror really got to you guys.

You sighed again, shaking nearly. Your nerves were slowly taking over your body. You had never thought it would be the case that one small incident resulted in you and your girlfriend's careers dying before they could even truly startup. Kendo was already in her seat when you walked in, a smile on her face. She was confident in this one. Soon enough, Vlad King walked into the room with a stack of papers.

Vlad King: Good morning everyone. And clearly, you are all just as excited to leave as I am to give out these forms. Collectively, this class applied to over 70 agencies. Good work. But, only 21 will be selected. And barely 20 agreed to take on your heroes at this time.

Your heart sank. Twenty agencies agreed. That meant either you and Kendo would be going to the same agency, or someone in the class wasn't going anywhere.

Vlad King: I will now pass out the forms detailing where everyone is going. Best of luck. Have fun. Maybe you will learn something there, such as humility, Monoma.

The class got a light chuckle out of that one. Still, Vlad passed around the forms. You were beyond nervous. The different thoughts clouded your mind and soon enough, you began to sweat with that much nervousness. Vlad then walked past Kendo, handed her a form, and continued onward. You saw her smile, pumping her fist under her desk. She turned and smiled at you. You nodded back. She must have gotten in. The other students seemed to be happy, meaning they got into, or close to, their chosen hero agency.

Vlad then walked in front of you and looked down at you. You slowly smiled up at him as he looked down at the forms. He smiles slightly and places the form down on your desk. It was acceptance from Techno. You were in. You smiled as Vlad walked on. You turned back to Kendo and smiled at her and nodded. She smiled back as you both returned your gaze to Vlad King.

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