Battle Fist Intro

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You had stuck to your words and asked your father if Kendo could join you guys on patrol for the following day. While he was reluctant, he did push the offer through to UA and they also accepted the proposal. So, you called Kendo the next morning and had her meet up with you guys at your father's agency and costume at the ready. She was a bit scared to finally meet your father but she accepted the internship with gusto. Formal introductions were quickly brushed to the side without much concern and action was quick to start.

While on the usual rooftop, you and Kendo were checking out police reports while your father surveyed the city. You were jazzed up to be working with your father and girlfriend on missions together. However, as you were monitoring the police reports, you saw Kendo looking a bit down. You weren't sure as to what to make of it so you wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to you.

(Y/N): You ok?

Kendo: Yeah. Why do you ask?

(Y/N): You seem a bit off.

Kendo: I wouldn't worry about it.

(Y/N): Come on, where's that confident attitude? You sure you're ok?

Kendo turned around and glanced back at your father who was still spectating the area. She turned back to the radio and sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.

Kendo: I just don't feel like he approves of me. At all. Can't you feel that stigma in the air?

(Y/N): I mean, yeah, I guess. But you should be fine. Just focus on the job at hand and then move on to the next. He was reluctant about this.

Kendo: Then why did you try to get me to come along?

(Y/N): I thought I was being nice.

Kendo: Well clearly, that didn't go so well, now did-

You both stopped once the radio picked up. There had been a small carjacking near the outskirts of the city. The police had assigned Dracuul to the case since other heroes and police were busy. So, you three took off towards the outskirts of the city to catch these guys. So, your father flew off to quickly catch up, leaving you and Kendo on the rooftop. She walked over and looked down off of the edge.

Kendo: Does he expect me to jump or...?

(Y/N): I have no idea. Come on.

Kendo you began to fly and picked up Kendo and followed after your father. As you guys were flying, an explosion went off right beside you, knocking you back and into another building and dropping Kendo.

(Y/N): KENDO!!!

You glanced down and saw Kendo had used her quirk to break through a window and grab onto the ledge. She turned back around and you both saw someone raiding the skyscraper next to yours. You glanced down at Kendo and she looked up at you.

(Y/N): He gave us permission.

Kendo nodded and used the added strength from her hands and threw herself upwards towards you. You grabbed her and threw Kendo into the opposing building and allowed her to punch a gunman in the face and swat another away with her hand. You also jumped through and rolled along the ground before you uppercutted another. You turned to Kendo and smiled before turning back to some of the people they were shooting.

Kendo: Is everyone alright?!

You ran over and helped three people get out of cover and slowly began to escort them to the stairs. Kendo found some medical supplies and began to bandage some people before they fled as well.

Businessman: Thank you, heroes. But, how did you take down their leader?

(Y/N): Wait, was it not that one-

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now