Environmental Training

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The following day, your second day at UA officially began with, of course, morning classes. Morning classes weren't bad or anything but that doesn't mean they aren't boring as hell. English was easy for you since you lived in America for a few years. Literature wasn't good though since you weren't the brightest when it came to literature. Plus, you really didn't care all too much when it came to know the inner workings of a Shakespeare play. But hey, Shishida and Tetsutetsu really seemed to love it so what's stopping them.

Mathematics was pretty boring and Japanese history was something you knew like the back of your hand. Once all was said and done, you guys were given lunch as the afternoon courses prepared to start teaching which usually meant heroics teachers had to get ready, the medical crew had to get ready and clean up crews had to get ready.

On the daily, UA was always busy and today was no exception. You could see medical and clean crews move along outside as some battle training was going on near a battlefield. You felt a tap on her shoulder and you turned back and saw Kendo with Tokage and Tetsutetsu.

Kendo: Hey.

(Y/N): Oh, hey, Kendo. Hey guys.

Tetsutetsu: You ready for battle training?!

Tokage: Are you even sure it is battle training?

Tetsutetsu: I mean, what else could it be?

(Y/N): Rescue, environmental, really a lot of stuff.

Tetsutetsu: Alright, showoff.

You smirked as Kendo walked next to you.

Kendo: I'm with (Y/N) on this one. With the damage going on outside it seems to me that battle practice is already underway for some.

The door then opened and you all quickly ran to your seats. A woman walked into the room. Her custom was a green dress with a small tiara on. She had green boots with a small crossbow on her wrist. You recognized her as the Plant Hero, Green Thumb.

Green Thumb: Listen up dirty idiots! Today we are running environmental training since All Might is enjoying teaching Class 1-A in battle training. So, let's move out kids!

Green Thumb left the room and you all looked at one another before following her. You guys ended up near Ground Epsilon. The battleground was a large forest biome. Your class gathered around one another as Green Thumb stepped out before you all.

Green Thumb: Alright. So today you all are going to be running some jungle level operations. Understanding this type of environment will be good for when you have to operate in the provisional license exam and in the field. You never know what type of battlefield you could run into. So, it will be groups of two and three teams will be there at a time. Your goal is to make it to the center and find a hostage before the "villains" ie, the other two teams, arrive. We will be evaluating your teamwork and basic combat skills. Teams have been decided based on previous combat exercises.

Green Thumb called your name along with Kendo. You both looked at one another and nodded. You guys were against Monoma and Tetsutetsu and Tokage and Ibara. The three teams were placed along with different areas of the field. The buzzer sounded off and you guys took in running.

(Y/N): So, I'd assume you got a plan?

Kendo: For the most part. Ibara will be our biggest issue. Monoma will also be an issue with double Tetsutetsu's steel quirk. They can charge right in.

(Y/N): But they won't be able to see the ground around them!

Kendo: Good point. Let's just play this slow.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now