Trails by Fire Part 3

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The test was still underway and this moment made things all the harder for everyone. A man with a powerful sound-based quirk had stormed in with his "terrorist" buddies and were ready to attack at any moment. In addition, some people were still bringing injured civilians to the main hub and being redirected with everyone else. There were nearly 100 civilians saved already so doing that and holding back this villain was already trouble enough. Currently, you and Kendo were standing as the villain made his way towards a wall built by Bondo to attack the civilians.

You and Kendo glanced at one another and nodded. You both charged forward to attack the whistler. He turned around and saw you both coming towards him. He whistled but you and Kendo were able to dodge the attack. The villain grunted but was cut off guard when his foot fell down into the ground. Everyone looked over to see Honenuki using his quirk and keeping the villain down. Tetsutetsu ran up, taking advantage, and punched the man in the face.

The whistler rolled along the ground but quickly got up. He was able to counter Tetsutetsu but failed to avoid your diving kick to his head. He blasted you with another sonic boom and Honenuki used his quirk again to sink him down into the ground. You could tell the moch villain was slowly going more and more angry. Kendo ran up for a strike but he released another massive sonic boom and launched everyone away. You once again rolled along the ground and slowly got back to your feet to see him walking back towards the wall.

You saw Kendo slowly get back to her feet and she turned and looked at you. You nodded and she returned it. You both took off back to the villain. The man turned back around and saw you and Kendo charging towards him. He was about to release another sonic attack, but, vines emerged from the ground and quickly wrapped around him and his mouth. Soon, the was lifted into the air in a cocoon of vines, several layers thick. You both stopped running once you saw Ibara standing in the hole in the wall.

Ibara: He's secured! The civilians are all out! Get the others and we can-

A massive sonic boom came from the cocoon and the man was freed once again. He flipped down to the ground and turned towards Ibara and shot another boom towards her. She was too slow to block the attack and it launched her back. He then turned back to the rest of you and released another massive blast that sent you all flying away.

The whistler then returned his sight to the wall and you slowly stood back up. You were about to go after him when Kendo held you back. You gave her a questioning look then saw Honenuki use his quirk again and constantly softened up the ground enough to make the man slip through. He glared back at all of you and released another sonic boom. You clenched your ears a bit in pain due to the force of the blast. Just as he was about to continue onward, a massive buzzer went off.

Test Man: And the second test is over!!!

And like that, the whistler stopped his rampage and grew a smile.

Whistler: Nice work, kids. I'll admit, maybe went a little overboard, but you all did amazing! Good hustle out there!

With that, the pro walked off. You groaned in annoyance as you walked over and helped Kendo to her feet. You both looked at one another in a very confused fashion.

Kendo: So, I guess that's that.

(Y/N): Yeah. That ending could have gone better though.

Kendo: Agreed. Sugar Bowl after we get back?

(Y/N): I'm down.

You both smiled at one another and walked off with your classmates. Later in the day, you guys got your results back and as it turns out, everyone passed successfully, at least with your class. So, you all drove back to UA with a celebration plan in mind. Of course, you and Kendo were opting out for a little bit to go out by yourselves but that didn't stop you guys from joining in the fun when you got back to the school.

You guys had some soda, chips, a few party games, and some video games as well. It was just basic but fun celebratory stuff. But after a while, you and Kendo opted out and went on down the Sugar Bowl, ordered, and sat in the usual booth.

Kendo: I can't believe we're finally here.

(Y/N): I know. I Mini-pros.

Kendo: So...what does your father think about all this?

(Y/N): I'll willing to believe he'll be happy. Not so sure. Don't worry about it. It's not your burden.

Kendo: I know. But the fact will forever be there. So, what are we planning on doing from here?

(Y/N): Well, first of all, dinner. Secondly, I'm not sure. I guess we just continue living the lives we got.

Kendo smiled at you and then your food arrived. That led to some random conversations about family life and how things were going with her own family. Apparently, things were doing just fine and the autobody shop was also doing well on business since some people who knew the hero Battle Fist now knew she worked there part-time. You laughed at that last bit and suggested they start paying her for her service.

After the laughs were done, you both sat and talked about basic stuff once again. At some point, you broke onto some current popular culture stuff, talking about movies, shows, and some video games here and there. As it turns out, she was just as big into fighting and platformers as you were. But regardless of all of that, it was still a ton of fun just to hang out and have fun. But soon enough, it was time for you both to head out and return home for the rest of the summer before heading back to UA.

You both walked out of the Sugar Bowl and decided to move back through the shortcut to the train station so you could send her off. The walk was nice as always, she even let you wrap your arm around her like you all use to do. She smiled at you and pecked you on the cheek as you entered an alleyway. But, when you did walk down it, two men stepped out and held up knives to each of you. You could also see one of them had some quills coming from his arms and back.

Mugger 1: Alright, we'll do this nice and easy kids!

Quill Mugger: Just hand over some cash!

Mugger 1: Or the girl if you really feel like not dying tonight!

You and Kendo turned to one another and cocked an eyebrow in confusion. You both then looked back at the muggers with the same confused face.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. What are you trying to do, mug us? With those stances.

Kendo: Seriously. You think some random freeze frames are going to stop us?

The muggers looked at one another and then they looked back to you and held up their weapons to you.

Quill Mugger: Yeah!

(Y/N): And-and, you're going to threaten my girlfriend because....why? Also dude, we just came out of a restaurant. Do you really think we have that much money left?

Kendo: Like seriously. Also, what are you going to do if we don't kill us? You really want the murder of teenagers on your hands?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's like, 20-40 years in prison. Mugging a person gets you what, 3 years.

Mugger 1: Not if there are no witnesses.

Kendo: So, you going to go around and shut down every security camera in the city, steal the footage, alter the footage and then bring the cameras back online just to kill two teenagers for very little money?

Both muggers looked at one another in utter confusion. You and Kendo looked at one another and smirked. You dashed forward and shouldered one of the muggers while Kendo grew her fist and punched the quilled mugger in the face. They both looked at each other and got up.

Quill Mugger: Villainous brats!

Kendo: Not so much.

You and Kendo took out your licenses and the muggers turned to one another in complete fear. You and Kendo looked at one another and smiled before leaping into action, riding the wave of life together. 

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