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You were ready to begin your journey of Pro Hero status the second you were accepted into UA High School. You had trained long hours for the moment and with your quirk, you were able to beat any challenge. Your quirk: Vampire. You could basically anything a stereotypical vampire could do plus the same weaknesses. Your quirk made your skin pale to the point of having albino syndrome so you usually wore hats and helmets to keep your body safe.

You were placed into Class 1-B at UA. There wasn't much else to add. You were sitting in the far off corner of the room, not really getting involved too much with the introductions. But that didn't stop a guy with a cement mixer for a head and a beast-like man to sit beside you.

(Y/N): Are you a werewolf?

Shishida: Excuse me?

(Y/N): Sorry. Vampire quirk. I don't want to-

Shishida: Oh, no. I understand. Jurota Shishida. My quirk is Beast, so I understand the confusion.

(Y/N): (Y/N) Kan.

He gave you a smile and you returned it. He then stopped and turned back to you.

Shishida: Wait. Kan? Does that mean you know the teacher, Vlad King?

(Y/N): Yeah. He's my-

The bell rang and everyone in the class quickly took their seats. Across from you, you saw a girl with orange hair and a side ponytail. The first word that came to mind was "cute". But that was not your priority. Your priority was to become a pro hero no matter the cost. The door then opened and in stepped the man himself, Vlad King.

Vlad King: Hello everyone. Welcome to UA High. I'm Sekijiro Kan but you can call me Vlad King. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the year. So, let's begin with a roll call and-(he sees you in the back) What are you doing here?!

(Y/N): Hey Uncle Vlad! Good to see you again! I also noticed you still have that speech pattern going on. I thought my father told you to go check that out?

Shishida: (Whispering) He's your uncle?

(Y/N): (Whispering) Yeah. No idea how that happened though.

Vlad rolled his eyes and began to do roll call. The girl across from you looked back and gave you a bit of a smile.

Kendo: (Whispering) Hey. Itsuka Kendo. Didn't know your uncle was our teacher. Think that will change anything?

(Y/N): (Whispering) Probably not. Heck, I didn't even know he was still teaching. I thought he committed himself to full-time hero work.

Suddenly, some blood emerged from under your seat and froze you in place. Kendo quickly turned back around as did the other students around you.

Vlad King: Anything you wish to share?

The students all shook their heads no as did you to your limited capacity. Vlad retracted the blood and let you go from your makeshift prison.

Vlad King: Nephew or not, there is one rule here and that is the school's code of conduct. I am to enforce that code along with teaching you all the basics. There are 22 of us in this room. And that number could grow. Students from other departments could end up here one day due to their abilities. So, I expect you all to act like model students. Understand.

Class 1-B: Yes sir!

(Y/N): Sorry, sir.

Vlad nodded and continued down the list of students. You kept silent for the majority of the day unless you were called on. From there, Vlad had you guys move down to the opening ceremony and orientation for the school. While you guys were waiting on the principal, Vlad sat down next to you as you remain very quiet for most of the day.

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWhere stories live. Discover now