Body Shop

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The midterms were relatively easy compared to how you would have imagined it. Then again with the top tier training and review session, you were a part of, it was easy for you guys to make it through no problem. Kendo ranked number 1 in the class with you falling in the number 5 slot. Tokage took the second and Shishida took rank number 3. Ibara was able to claim spot 4 and Tetsutetsu took 6. Overall, you guys did a hell of a job, even having a few higher scores than 1-A, not that you cared, only Monoma really did.

Nonetheless, victory was in your hands and as a reward, you guys got a long weekend to relax. So, you decided to go with your uncle to an auto body shop to get his motorcycle worked on. While you were waiting, you went to your phone to just wait. You heard a laugh as the owner of the shop walked out and hugged a man. You looked over and saw Kendo. She saw you, eyes wide until she gave off a smile and walked over to you.

Kendo: Hey.

(Y/N): Hey. Small world, huh?

Kendo: Yeah. What are you doing here?

(Y/N): Spending time with my uncle. Trying to get him to talk to my dad. You?

Kendo: Here with my mother. Getting her bike looked over.

(Y/N): Ah. Good old times.

Kendo: Yep. Wanna check it out?

(Y/N): Wait. How?

Kendo: I'm...kinda a dork when it comes to motorcycles. Know those bad boys like the back of my hand.

(Y/N): Depends on the size of the hands.

Kendo: Funny.

You rolled your eyes as she walked beside you and waved you after her. You got up and followed her inside the facility. Several bikes were being worked on all at once and you were just impressed by seeing the technical prowess of the people working there. You both came across a lone bike and Kendo smirked and grabbed two gloves before going to work.

(Y/N): Uh, Kendo, do you really think we're allowed to do this?

Kendo: My mom is friends with the store owner. I've been doing this for a year now.

(Y/N): Wow. You really are a dork.

Kendo looked back at you with a slight smile on her face. You returned it with your own smile.

Kendo: So, let's see what we've got here.

You walked over and saw down beside her as she began to work on the bike. You would occasionally hand her tools and help her lift heavier objects but for the most part, it really was her teaching you the basics on bike repair. It was honestly a lot of fun as she taught you exactly what to do. Sure there was no way in hell that you were going to do anything she taught you day one but it was still fun to watch.

Like previous times, another word popped into your head to describe Kendo along with various other ones. Like before, the word "cute" was there along with "strategic". Then there were the words "intelligent", "Brave" and "technical" came in. After that was "caring" and "resourceful". And that's when you ultimately realized had a crush on Kendo. You quickly looked back down at her and saw her finishing up on some gear before she placed the wrench down.

Kendo: And she's good. Ready to see what this kitten can do?

(Y/N): Uh, yeah. Totally.

Kendo: (Y/N), are you ok? You seem kinda out of it now?

(Y/N): Yeah, fine. Just tied is all.

Kendo: Really? You seemed much more energetic beforehand.

(Y/N): Sorry. I'm not sure what came over me there.

Kendo: Well, alright. Come on. Let's test her out.

Kendo dragged the bike behind her and you decided to follow her. The realization was still fresh in your mind and you couldn't do jack about it. You just kept going through the evidence in your mind as you followed Kendo out back. You both arrived out back where you saw your uncle pop a wheelie both sliding in for a stop near the back of the outside track.

Kendo: Dang! Talk about moves!

(Y/N): Yeah, he's good like that.

Kendo: Anything you can do?

(Y/N): When I'm old enough, sure. I'm still only 15.

Kendo: Join the club.

You chuckled a bit as Kendo walked the bike over to the line and someone else took it.

Taiju: Best work, Kendo?

Kendo: Better believe it, Taiju. I had to be extra careful since I was teaching.

(Y/N): Seriously. How do you know so many people?

Kendo: My parents used to take me out a lot when I was little, and I got to meet some of their friends. Those friends got me better social skills. So, I met someone who was a first-year student while I was still in middle school and we've been friends ever since. It's how I get a lot of my information.

(Y/N): I said it before and I shall say it again; You are resourceful.

Kendo playfully blew air across her fingernails and looked back at you with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and looked back to the track. The worker from before, named Taiju, revved up the engine and took off down the track. Just as he took off, you felt a hand on your shoulder and saw your uncle behind you.

Vlad King: So, ready to head out?

(Y/N): Just a second. Kendo worked on a bike and I want to see this through.

Vlad King: Technical marvel, uh, Itsuka.

Kendo: Only when in combat and here. More practical in the classroom.

(Y/N): Either way, this is going to be fun!

The driver took off and drove off down the dirt track. After hoping over different hills, the cycle went to a concrete track and did the same thing, seeing how the bike held up. You could see Kendo was a mixture of excited and nervous. You placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, which seemed to work as she stopped being so jittery. Finally, the cyclist came to the end of the track with a massive hill at the end of it. He revved up the engine again and leaped off of the last hill and did a backflip. The rider landed and did a donut before stopping.

Taiju: You weren't wrong Little Kendo! Talk about a ride!

Kendo leaped up and launched her arms up into the air. She turned to you and leaped up and hugged. You hugged back but she broke it apart fast once she realized what she was doing. The air quickly became awkward. You both stood there, watching the world around you both while the world moved on.

(Y/N): Well...I should get going.


(Y/N): See you in class on Monday.


You awkwardly shuffled away. Unknown to you, Kendo began to blush from the incident. You got into the car with your uncle and he drove off. The drive home was mostly quiet, with your uncle asking the occasional question or comment.

(Y/N): Uncle Vlad, why don't you talk to my dad anymore.

Vlad King: It's...a long story.

(Y/N): Mind telling me?

Vlad King: I mean-

(Y/N): Come on, Uncle Vlad.

Vlad King: Alright, alright. If it gets you to shut up for a bit. It started just as we graduated UA. Just when he was ready to leave for America.

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