Chapter 1

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Enjoying the cold night breeze,staring at the beautiful sky and lost her thoughts, She found herself weaving her own dreams,from her perfect love story, to going to culinary school and getting a degree,to opening big restaurants with so many branches all over the country, to becoming one of the most successful woman in the country.

"Zaynab,boddos,boddos!!!"well that's how her mum calls her (beautiful),with her
voice bringing Zaynab back to trance,She snapped out of thoughts and walked towards her.

"Na'am Hajiyata",she gave her a glorious smile,and Zaynab smiled back.

"It's so cold out there, and you're by the window doing what?"she questioned.

"Nothing just thinking about things I want in life and how i can become successful in achieving my goals".

"In sha Allah, Allah will turn your dreams into reality"she assured

"Allahumma Aamin" Zaynab muttered

"Come have dinner,or else it will get cold" and she motioned her hands in lead the suite manner and she trailed behind her mum,down to the dinning.

Her mum served her a plateful of biryani and fattoush salad.
She ate all her food while still lost in thoughts that She didn't noticed that her dad wasn't present at the dinning.

"Mummy,where's daddy,she asked?,She shooked her head and smiled,"Oh it's now you that you remembered your dad"she said.

"No,the food was so delicious that's why I didn't notice"she try to cover up.

"Your dad went to see his friend Alhaji Adam Muhammad his bestfriend".Her mouth formed an O shaped realizing whom her father went visit.

After dinner,the duo sat on the couch in the living room,and talked about many things .With her head on her mother's lap She suddenly became sleepy,she stood up and kissed her head mum's forehead and bid her good night.

She went upstairs and showered, then wore her pajamas and picked up her phone and facetimed her besty Amani before dozing off.


Today was a tiring and stressful at the office for Bello,being the CEO of Castles and mansions group of companies came with alot of responsibilities on his shoulder,and honestly speaking,he does not want someone to run the company for him tho he has an efficient team under him and they're doing an amazing job, so he couldn't be more happier.

The project he's currently working on is for the state house,the president wants
everything to be of standard and he is seeing to that.

Everyone left the office except for him ,he kept on working till around 6pm before he rounded up and left the office.

He went to the security station and told them to make sure everywhere is locked and all electronics are off before heading to the parking lot.

He hoped in his escalade and turned the ignition and left the firm's compound straight home.The gates opened when he honked and parked the car.

He reached for the front door and said his salaam before entering the house and it was quite seems his parents are in their rooms.

"Where's my mum?",He asked the maid and she said she's in her room.

He left for his apartment ,then showered ,prayed and went back to the main house,when he went met his dad and his best friend talking in his living room.

He made his presence known by saying Salaam and sat on rug and greeted both his dad and his friend Alh.Imran Fawaz.

"Bello my boy how are you and how's work?,"he asked

" Sir I'm good and work is going smoothly.

He turned to Bello's dad and said "Honestly Our son is trying ,I'm proud of him,very proud he said.

"Thank you", he replied back with a smile and his
dad said "I'm also proud of you son,Allah maka albarka"!

"Amin" He muttered and he said "but I want you to find someone and settle with".

"But dad I'm just 29 and"... and he motioned to his friend to talk to Bello.

"My son,please find someone soon because you're getting older everyday,and you have achieved a lot already.You know we want to see our grandchildren in sha Allah"!

Both men chuckled and he said he'll try before his mum came in and call them to the dinning.
They had dinner,after finishing The adhan was called for Isha prayer and they all left for the mosque.
After the prayer his uncle's driver came and they left.

He followed his dad in and the two talked about business and life.His dad decided to watch news so he had to leave because he doesn't like watching news.

Bello went upstairs to meet his mum still on her prayer mat reciting the Qur'an gloriously,He patiently wait for her to finish.When she was done he took both her hands in his and kissed them.

"Mama,Allah bar min ke "he said,and she muttered amin.

"Come here"and he moved closer to her and she placed his head on her laps and massaged it.

Then she said;"my darling when I'm I getting a daughter in law,because I want play with my grandkids you know"!
"What if I die before I have grand....he quickly placed my hands on her mouth before she finished.

"Mami,you'll get a daughter soon,don't say that please"he beseeched

"Allah maka albarka my son"she prayed

"Amin my love"he replied back.

She chuckled and said "go find your love not me".
He blow her a kiss which she caught,and placed in her heart.

"Goodnight Mami"!

"Goodnight son I love you"she said.

"I love you mooooore"!

He reached his apartment and sat on one of the couch in the living room.Then he remembered real Madrid -liverpool are playing tonight.

He switched on the TV and began watching the match,when it's first half he took out his phone and called his best friend Al'amin.

"Sup man"he said

"Baba how you dey,kana ganin match din nan kuwa ?"Al'amin asked

"Eh wallahi,nifa kamar real Madrid zasu dau champions league din nan"he shared his thoughts

"Haba dai,amma them boys are trying honesty.

"Yes,they are"!

"So bro,I'm hanging now dawo second half",he told Al'amin.

"Sure,good night!"

He hanged up and continued watching the match,45 minutes later the match ended Real Madrid 2-1liverpool.

A yawn escaped Bello's mouth and he switched off the TV and lights and retired for the night.

Hey loves,I'm here with a story for the first time ,please do show your support by sharing, voting and commenting. I hope you enjoy this.

Xoxo Islaha _x

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