Chapter 14.

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Baze university, Abuja.

The Imran were seated in the convocation hall,where the ceremony was taking place.Today is Amani's graduation and they are so happy for her,she looked so Beautiful on stage as she delivered a speech about self esteem,Zaynab clicked so many photos of her friend.

Amani was awarded Student of the year,indeed she deserve every bit of it,everyone at school knows Amani for her hardwork and great academic contributions.

As soon as Amani came down the stage she rushed to hug her,and wished her the very best in her life and wish she'll always be her best friend and a sister she never had.

The duo took their seats,and a Young business tycoon and a great business personality in person of 'Mr Bello Muhammad Naim' was called upon stage to give a speech and the topic "Having luxury and being financial discipline".

She wasn't even paying attention but she know a man about his early thirties did climb on stage who she didn't get to see his face because her phone rang and she had to step out and answer.

The Bello Guy did delivered a nice speech and he had a very melodious voice that could make fall asleep when he talks,his voice echoed through the convocation hall and even the outside surrounding, but she could swear her somersaulted at every word he said when delivering the speech.

Unfortunately, when she came in he was done and was off stage,she didn't get to see him,so she felt felt bad and that's because she was eager to find out the face behind the soothing voice,ma sha Allah.

The ceremony ended and their families all gathered outside to congratulate Amani.The clicked so many pictures and posted it on their Instagram story.

She posted a picture of Amani receiving her award on her feed and captioned;

" You've made me proud more than ever,and I wish you the utmost best in every step you take ahead,Go leave your footprints in the sky❤😩"!

Then she posted the snap Ya Fawaz took when Amani came down from stage and she did hug her on her story and captioned;

"Congratulations to the latest graduate in town, y'all come and ask for her CV if you wanna employ her".

She shoved her phone into her bag.She found ya Fawaz and Amani talking and laughing about what only God knows.She really find the two of them really cute,they'll make cute babies she could swear,and that made her chuckled,and the duo looked at her direction wondering what make her laughed.

" So when have you started laughing all by yourself lizard",ya Fawaz said,and she turn around looking for the lizard he's talking but couldn't find one.

"Stop playing dumb hajiya he's talking you" Amani semi yelled.

"Oh really,then FYI I'm not a lizard and don't look like one",I said and pouted.

"You looked so cute with that pouted I should call a lizard more often,and they both laughed.

" Ya Fawaz" i yelled and punched him oh his chest.He then grabbed me and side hugged me and said;came down fiesty one,I'm sorry please.

"You're forgiven then and even you Amani,y'all know I have a very big heart" and laughed and stuck her tongue out.

Her mother came and told them it's time to leave and they were to Amani's house.All the cars assembled and everyone hoped in.The drive to Amani's residence was just full of Banter's from Zaynab,Amani & Ya Fawaz.

They arrived and her passed her a blindfold, and told her she's to blind fold Amani.When she Amani and she started yelling She's going to kidnap her ,the girl can be so dramatic while princey was busy capturing the moment .

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