Chapter 33

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Was she been hypnotized,or was she only dreaming and seeing things,she hit her head on the bed's headboard for a reality check.It was true B actually brought her to the Maldives,whoever knew Zaynab then is well aware of how she's obsessed with the Maldives,the white sand,crystal blue water,the sunset,the palm trees and everything about the island in the country.

"B!,you stole my heart!",she squealed and gave her husband a bone crushing hug.

"I'm glad I did"he held her in between his arms and moved back the strand of hair that kept seeping to her face.

"God how did you plan this"!she questioned

"That's a secret baby,I'm just glad you like it and for that I deserve a reward".

"Yeah,I love it baby and your reward will be given tonight",she winked and sashayed into the bathroom.

He just stood in awe,while he kept a staring gaze at her retreating figure.He just love her so much,and Basically can't do without her.

She did her business in the bathroom and came out,after getting ready she checked for here husband and saw him sitting by the himself on the swing waiting for her.

"There you are I've been looking for you everywhere",she said kissing his forehead head.

"I'm right here my love,should we join the others for lunch"he asked and she nodded as the walked hand in hand down to the breakfast lounge.

"Hey peeps Good morning",Zaynab greeted and hug the girls.

"I'm Nafeesah,Nafiu's wife introduced herself"

"Heard a lot about you from them",she said pointing at her husband and his friend.

"I hope only the good things"she asked

"No but I like you",she smiled at Nafeesah sweetly and took a seat beside her hubby.

The couples converse between her meal and had a good time,it was only breakfast but Amani was already making a toast to her Bestfriend/sister in-law and brother in-law.

"To you fam,may you love yield many twins babies and cute picturesque family portraits in many such moment"

"To the Bello" fawaz too raised a glass

"To this lovely couple" Nafiu raised his

"To my new girl and her lover,make sure you kissed under the lamp post" Nafeesah raised her glass too

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