Chapter 6

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The lovely Morning breeze and the birds chirping sweetly made woke her up.She stretched and sat up

"Today is my big day,my graduation day is finally here", She murmured to herself .

Then she walked to her wardrobe,and fish the black pencil gown she ordered and then her wristwatch,bracelet, earrings.She placed them on the bed and brought out the boxes of shoe and purse .when everything was set,she went straight to shower.

She showered and applied her body cream,deodorant and all and then did a light make up,the usual.

She wore the pencil gown which fitted her perfectly and looked so elegantly on her,and packed her hair in a mid high bun.then grabbed her phone and purse before sauntering out of the house.

The driver was here,so they drove to her school immediately. Upon reaching the gates her heart sank remembering that neither her family nor her best friend are coming to her grads after all She's been trying to reach their phones today and none got through.

She braced herself and wiped the lone tear that escaped her left eye.

" Come pick me by 3pm",She told the driver and he nodded.

She entered the Convocation hall and got a seat at the third row,and to her left was Ashraf's friend.

"Nur Ahmed Khmer "She whispered and smiled.

"Hello sweetie,congratulations on your graduation",he said.

" Thank you",I smiled sweetly.

Just then Ashraf and Farah joined and sat next to us,and soon the opening speech was started, the speech by the Vice chancellor,followed by others.To say she was bored by all the speeches was an understatement.The next point of agenda was award presentation.

The award was presented and then tada she heard her name called on stage as the best graduating student overall.

She gasped and stood up gently because all this feels like a dream and the eyes that were searching through the hall to see who She was,was overwhelming.

She placed both her hands on her blossom and smiled so happily then she walked onto the stage,she even forgot the fact that her family are not here.

She stood and stage next to few professors who extended their hands and she shook it as they congratulated me.

"I will like to call upon A very prestigious board member from Nigeria Mr Imran Fawaz to present this award to our best student overall".

At that moment she just wanted someone to pinch to see if this is a dream,because it feels surreal.

She shut her eyes when The prestigious board member Came on stage.
He shook her hand and handed her the award.She couldn't hide her happiness so tears started flowing .

" Daddy",she said and hugged the life outta her dad as flashy cameras did their job and captured the moment.

Then she was asked if she could say a few words,she wish I didn't have to because I was eager to talk to her dad.

"Good afternoon ladies and Gentleman,I'm truly honoured for receiving such award.I want to use this medium to thank my professors,my friends and everyone that have made my years of study and stay in this country a wonderful one. Thank you to my family especially my dad,for always been to support in all possible ways,I'm forever grateful. Congratulations to everyone of my colleague and I wish you a wonderful journey in your next adventures.Thank you so much.

With that she concluded her speech and ran off stage,and the dean of her faculty gave the closing speech and the ceremony ended.

Everyone was going out of the hall and she couldn't find her dad,nor her friends,so she went out of the hall also.She looked around and all she could see is students with their families and friends busy taking pictures and well wishes.

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