Chapter 24

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This chapter is dedicated to zainnyfave zainnyfave zainnyfave

The wedding day
(Ranar daurin auren)
May 15th 2021

If anyone would tell her she'll be getting married this day,an arranged marriage for that matter then she'd laugh it off their face,but here she is actually getting dolled up after performing ablution to pray nawafil for this new phase of her life.

The men have left for the mosque already for the prayer and the Nikah.Amidst her makeup,ya fawaz's call came through,it was the proceedings of her Nikah,She could hear the imam's voice as clear as possible and just like that ,the marriage was officiated and the knots has been tied and as everyone there bear witness Zaynab Imran is Bello Adam's wife.

As tears roll down her eyes,she can't believe She's qa married woman now,she can't believe she agreed to all of this despite the tantrums she has thrown lately,but now she's accepted defeat and her fate.

*flash backs*

She locked herself in the room for 5 days,she cried her eyes out,She's always gotten what she wanted,why not this time?(I know I sound like a brat)

These pass 5 days She survived on the water and can juice from her fridge,Ishe had dark circles under her eyes,She's hurting so much,She slept on this floor for days,She just want to change their decision,they've tried everything to make het understand and come out of the room till they gave up.

She dozed off and after a while She woke up,then something brought her the thought of how everyone is feeling from my mum,dad,fawaz and Amani,She's hurting them too.Is she being a bad daughter or a bad friend or a bad sister.

She showered and wore her dress,applied herkohl and gloss,She switched on her phone,when it as brought to life,She checked the time it's just 7:30am in the morning ,She draped a veil over her head and grabbed her phone ,car keys and the key to her room.She opened the door and headed downstairs.

There was no one in the living room and the house seems so quite,She knew they're at home and knew where to find them,She took deep breath and dragged her feets to daddy's living room.

She turned to knob of the door slowly and peek inside and all the family members are in there.She salaamed and all eyes were on her when She walked in. She found herself a spot on the carpet close to her father and sat there.Everyone was giving me the are you okay look but She Adjust shrugged.

"Good morning daddy,how are you ?",She greeted

"Alhamdulillah,I.."before he could say anything else She turned to her mum

"Mummy good morning ",She flashed her a smile

"Morning my dear"

"Ya Fawaz good morning "

"Yoo lizard ,morning "he smiled at me.

The room was awkwardly silent before she spoke.

"Ermm daddy...I need you to send me some money for my wedding preparation ",I want to start today"she said and smiled sweetly at him

All of them were shocked and concerned about her for she was acting as if she wanted this marriage to start with.

"Ya fawaz you're in charge of securing halls for my event,I want a well organized cocktail,and yes that wife of yours should better managed everything pertaining my Kamu and walima"She stopped talking and smiled at him.

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