Chapter 3

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She's been in Malaysia for 3 months now, and Alhamdulillah everything is going smoothly. She missed her family and she just want to go especially now that Ya Fawaz is back.
It's a weekend today and her friends Farah and ashraf decided they go for a coffee date in the evening.

Her house help is also on leave so she decided to do some cleaning. After hours of work,everywhere was sparkling clean.
She prayed ,had lunch before she decided to call Ya Fawaz.

"Hi,good afternoon Ya Fawaz"

"Hello my love,how are you?"

"I'm good,I'm missing home also , I wish i was the one to first Welcome you when you returned"

"Don't worry,in three months you'll be home"

"In sha Allah, my regard to daddy and mummy please"

With that she hanged up, and napped.After waking up she prayed before dressing up in a floral summer gown,and her hijab.She wore Roudat al oud perfume,grabbed her bag and phone before sauntering out.

"Hello farah",they side hugged and she waved a hand at Ashraf,before she sat and they began gisting.The waiter took their order and in a jiffy it was brought.

"So what's the news you guys wanna share I asked?"

"Well,ERM..Ashraf scratched the back of his head ;actually Farah and I have started dating and Farah shyly covered her face"

"With a gusto Zaynab said Alhamdulillah, I'm happy for you guys.May you always keep each other happy"

"Amin,and thank you for your support they say"!

"No thank yous remember, and she raised her cup ;"To Ashraf and Farah.

They smiled and locked eyes before she said they should leave because it's getting late,she noticed someone like he's someone she's seen before,he's backing her so She cant see his face,only his hands moving while he talks,she shook her head and they left the cafe.


He has been Malaysia for a week now as he wanted to supervise Al'amin's hard work. Today is weekend and Al'amin and him decided they should go out even if it's to a coffee shop.They say all work no play makes jack a dull boy.

He wake up to the sound of the running tap coming from bathroom.He guess Al'amin must be in there since he can't find him in the room.

He walked out after performing ablution and he told me to shower and pray they're going out soon.
Bello did as he said and got dressed in an army green shirt and black jeans pants.

The driver took them to a coffee shop thats not far away from home.They alighted and went in to the coffee shop.

At the coffee shop his gaze landed on a table of three,a guy and two ladies but the other lady's back was facing me,she did not see her face just her hands moving while she talks.
The guy notice his attention on the and questions Bello using his brows.He quickly grabbed a seat and sat opposite Al'amin with his back facing them.

They ordered coffee and chocolate cakes,the waiter brought their order and they talked about business ,life and so much more.

Ever since he stepped into the coffee shop there's been this scent which he has known for months now somewhere that has been hitting his nostril,despite the smell of brewed coffees and machiatos in the shop.

His Eyes wondered around,looking for who has that scent.Al'amin noticed he was looking everywhere and asked what's the problem.
He told him from the picnic,to the airport and now here in a coffee shop in Malaysia there is this lovely and heavenly scent he perceive since 3 months ago and it's still in his head.

"Al'amin I don't know if I should ask my cousin about the scent the lady Hammad met at park have".

"But that will sound weird to Yasmin, and she might think otherwise,don't ya think"!

"Yeah,you're right ...I won't ask her anything, if I meant to find out I'll in sha Allah"!

They continued their discussions,before noticing it's getting late and they were invited to a party by their investors.
They went home,prayed,showered and got ready.
Soon the driver was here and they left for the party.
Bello has never been to anyone's house in Malaysia this is the first time,and he must say he love it here.

They met a lot of influential people from the architectural world at the party and even some of them were Bello's mentors.They bade Mr Ahmad Khmer farewell ,and also complimented the party he threw.

Their driver was here,so he drove to their apartment.
They both retired for the night,as they were tired and Bello is leaving for Nigeria tomorrow.

Morning came,and he got ready for his departure as his flight is by 8am.Al'amin accompanied him to the airport and assured he'll be back in 3 month after completing the project.
He boarded and pheww,5 hours later He's in Nigeria.

Bello is in Malaysia and in a coffee shop same as Zaynab but their fates didn't let meet.

Ayy,we have a couple now in the story Ashraf and Farah and I'm happy they are beginning a journey together.

Love njuumri_x.

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