Chapter 5

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Leaning on his car,and using his phone at the parking lot,He saw his dad in the garden,enjoying the cold evening breeze while reading the papers.

"Bello Adam Muhammad"he got startled hearing his dad call his name in full.

"Na'am Daddy" he walked towards him and he motioned for him to seat close to him which he did.

"Bello,listen to me carefully he began;Every father wants to see his child become responsible and Alhamdulillah, you had given me that joy,every father wants his child to succeed and Alhamdulillah You've achieved a lot and made me proud,but when a child is this responsible and have accomplished these achievement then his parents wants nothing from his but for him to settle down, handle his own life,and have his own family.Bello when are you going to settle???"

"He closed the newspaper and eyed him,before opening the papers and continue reading.

Bello kept mum for what seems like forever and he yelled ;speak up young man"

This man made stuttered him words....I..I'll...I'll settle soon dad.


"when I wanna know"he said a bit louder.

"Very soon,I don't know when tho",I said with my head low like a child ready to be beaten.

"Then I'm giving you an ultimatum of 6 weeks from today, if i a find a suitable girl before you, you'll have to marry her and if you manage to find someone before me then you can marry her as well,am I clear?",he said

"Yes dad,"I said .

"You can leave now" he ordered.

He was about to leave when he saw Mami walking towards their direction,with a tray of mint tea.

He smiled weakly when their gaze met and she did the same before walking to his dad and sat beside him,while they talked .

He went to Al'amin , he didn't even enter the main house since he was at his apartment.

He knocked and Al'amin unlock the door and they went in.
Bello filled him in about everything his dad said and acted.

"Man,I'll advise you to start your search now,find a girl and also pray Allah will see you through"

"You're right,I'll try find a girl in sha Allah and I hope I do that before he beats me to it"!

Just then they heard a knock at the door and he went to check.It was their maid who brought some snacks.He collected the tray and lock the door.

He passed Bello an energy drink from the fridge and the tray of samosas .

Let's play FIFA before magrib and he agreed.

He beats him,and the game ended 5-2.Just then the adhan was called.They performed ablution and went to a near by masjid.

After praying,they went to the main house to greet his mum before he went to the office to check some stuff and he ended up spending 2hrs at the office.

He was leaving the office when his phone began ringing, he checked the caller ID and the line was unsaved.He answered the call and it was a female.

"Hello my love",the female said.

"Hi,evening!,how can I help you?"

Quit playing dumb Bello Adam,it's your cousin Jadwa incase you don't remember.

"Oh Jadwa,how are you"!

"Seriously ya Bello,I'm heartbroken ?,you know you've been ignoring me,and you act like it's nothing"!

When he remembered their conversations with his dad and Al'amin earlier,without thinking twice he asked her on a date.

"Jadwa,let's have date on Sunday if you're in Abuja at Blu cabana".

"I love you "she said

"I'll see you there" ,I said and hanged up.

She has already started missing this city,the school and everyone she knew,but She is sure she wanna go back to her country soon.
She gave out things she won't be needing to Nadia the house maid.

While she move things out,Zaynab decided to call her family,it's call confrontation time they're gonna have.
She dialed her dad's number and Ya Fawaz answered.

"Hello daddy,Salaam Good evening!"

"Evening babe",I heard from the other end.

"Daddy its your daughter",I said

"And I'm your brother Fawaz!"and he chuckled.

Ya Fawaz, what was that,give daddy the phone I don't wanna talk to you.

"Easy tigress, he's praying"that's why I answered.

She then heard her mum's voice in the background laughing.

"Give the phone to mummy,or put it on handsfree"

"Yes Ma,he said and put the phone on handsfree"

"Mummy, how are you?"

"I'm good princess,she said"

"I'm graduating tomorrow, but since your prince is back now you've forgotten about the princess."

"Oh congratulations, we are proud of you my darling, that was my dad."

"Thank you dad,can't wait to see you."

"Byeeee," they chorused and hanged up.

Wow just wow,her family don't want to come to her grad.She started crying and called Farah and told her everything,she consoled her while She kept sobbing and hanged up.She decided to call Amani,to see if she can make.

"Hello Amani"

"Ya kike(how are you?)"

"Alhamdulillah, how's everyone at home?"

"Alhamdulillah......congratulations are in order for you, congrats you're a graduate now"

"Thank you besty, are you coming?"

"I'm sorry besty I can't make it"

"Okay,no problem.... My regards to everyone"!

With that she hanged up and cried her heart out,till she dozed off.She woke up prayed magrib and went to stroll down the street.She came back after praying isha at a nearby masjid that has female section.
After praying,She came home,had dinner and slept off.Tomorrow is a big day guess!

Who isn't excited for tomorrow, that Zaynab know her family are not coming for her graduation ceremony, well me.I'm also heartbroken....but wait they didn't actually say anything about going, so let's wait and see that tomorrow has in store for our lovely girl.

Bello's dad is tired of feeding a bachelor😂😂😂,so we have to help Bello find a girlfriend soon or else we all know the consequences.

And our Bello is even trying to hook up,maybe a date with his cousin Jadwa will open doors of him.

Yours Njuumri_x

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