Chapter 9

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Zaynab was jet lagged so was everyone ,coming home to a surprised party her Mum's best friend is overwhelming. She gave them an hour to rest,relax and get ready while she handles the rest.

She was in her room which was cleaned before she returned to the country. She showered and sat on the bed in her bath robe ,Amani was fast asleep beside her so she tapped on her shoulder and she groaned and continued sleeping.

"Wallahi I'm throwing cold water at you if you don't wake up ,you know anty gave us only an hour to rest and get ready and here you're sleeping while it almost time."

She quickly woke up and head to the bathroom while Zaynab slipped into the brown ball gown aunty gave her earlier.She picked a veil and drapped it on her head and sauntered out of the room to call the make artist.She came back to the room,while Amani was already dress in a light pink skirt and a white ruffled top.

She sat by the vanity table and the make-up artist did her job,Amani kept teasing her about how she looked horrible with the make up on but she paid no attention to her.She stood up and admired her sight in the mirror right in front of her before thanking the make up artist.

"Now sit down and get your face look more uglier than it is," she smacked her and she laughed.She sat and the make up artist did her work and gave Amani a clean beat on her face,while she returned the favour by teasing Amani all through her make up session.

The make up artist took their photos,she said it's for IG face and they thanked her as aunty has already paid her before she even came.

"Babes we look gorgeous", Amani said and I nooded in agreement.

Her phone ranged and sheanswered,it her mum.

" come down here we all are waiting for you",she said and hanged up.

They went down and sauntered out to the garden where the party was taking place.She was awestruck by the decoration, food and everyone's presence.

The party began,one of their neighbours prayed for a good future for me and a good life head,and all of the other children in her estate.

She got a lot of gifts,one among was her favorite,Her father even got her a maybach,She couldn't contain her her happiness when he handed her the key,her mum got her ticket to Saudi to perform Umrah and Ya Fawaz got her a ticket to Prague for a 3days vacation,then a week in London.

She met a lot of important people at her party,aunty son even came,well She's never met him because when he visits every time she's not around, and when she visit he's usually out of the country or at work.He came today and his mom call him to meet us,he was mid way to us when she saw him answer a call and left.She called him ,and he apologized and told her his attention was needed at the office something went wrong and he's needed.Even though his views were clearly obstructed on his way to them,but he's handsome from his side view.

They ate,laughed and have a lot of fun before the party ended, She and Amani raced to the room,they showered and slept off.

Hello lovelies,how is this chap?

Our Zaynab almost met Bello but he left urgently after he received a call from work. Ptff Workaholic.

Well Zaynab and I are going to Saudi and Prague Czech republic for Umrah and 10 days vacay,and guess what none of you is gonna tag along😂😅😝.


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