Chapter 10

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Morning came and she didn't know she overslept, luckily she prayed fajr on time,while Amani slept since she's was on her TOM.

She woke up and it was 11:15 am ish,Amani was already awake and have gotten ready,she's leaving today her convocation ceremony is tomorrow. She didn't say anything she quickly hurried to the bathroom and did the normal routine, she walked in the room and Amani wasn't there,maybe she's downstairs.

She wore a peach and lemon green Ankara with a touch of brown sewn into a beautiful peplum top and a fish skirt.She did her hair in a very low bun and tied my scarf in the zahra buhari's style,then applied kohl and pink gloss,She wore simple earrings with had a touch of silver n green,then rubbed her khumrah and grabbed her veil and bag and ran downstairs.
They all were sitted at the living including Amani,she sighed in relief knowing Amani hasn't left.

"Why were you running as if you've seen a ghost" ya Fawaz said.

She ignored him and went to hug mum and dad who were both seated in the same couch,

'Good Morning loves",I greeted.

"Morning our Angel" they replied

"How was you night?',Alhamdulillah she replied.

" Morning Vestfrreen", she hugged Amani and she Said don't break me woman.She released her immediately and everyone chuckled.

Ya Fawaz kept laughing after everyone's laughter died down.She frown and told him She's not gonna greet him today and he stood up for the cat and mice race,but she ran to the dinning and he knew he can't tickle her since she's already eating. He sighed in defeat and said;finish eating and come and greet me princess and she nodded.

She finished eating ,and joined everyone in living room.

"Good morning Ya prince Fawaz ",and everyone laughed.

"Morning lizard"and she faked a cry and he hurriedly started apologizing.

"Gotcha gotcha "she squeal like a child,and amani glared at her then back at her wrist watch.

"Mum,Dad,Amani is leaving and i want to accompany her,the I'll go to the Muhammads ,to thank aunty for yesterday"

"Alright,you can go dad said"

"Amani my mum called her name,and she answered before my mum handed her an envelope and a paper bag"

"It's for you,please do accept it dad said"

"But mum,dad...No buts Amani you're our daughter and will give anything we want"

She thanked them,before they both bade good bye and left.

They both hopped in Zaynab black maybach,She turned the ignition immediately ,muttered some prayers before leaving her house and hitting the road.

Amani kept making snaps while She drive,one she captioned;
" Dad's princess driving her brand new maybach".

The radio was blaring Mad over by runtown,which they sang along till they were finally in Amani's house.They alighted the car and went in to the house, Amani mum welcomed and congratulated on her graduation, she even made a joke of her settling down which she was uncomfortable with.

She stayed for like 30 minutes before She announced she was leaving and her mum brought a paper bag and gave her as gift,she thanked her and Amani saw her off.



She honked at the Muhammads gate and the gateman opened as soon as he recognized her.She found a space at the parking lot and parked and head towards their front door.
She pressed the door bell button it ranged and their maid opened the door. She ushered her in,and told her sit in the living room,while she inform aunty.

She came back shortly, and said aunty said she should join her in her room.She headed upstairs, she knocked and salaamed ,and when she said in should come in,She did.

She greeted her aunty and she was happy she came and she gave me a warm welcome and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Mum,dad,and Ya Fawaz sent their regards" She said.

She said;"hope everyone is good",yes they are She replied.

"You look so beautiful my princess,thank you she said shyly.

"Aunty I don't know how to express my gratitude for throwing me such a surprise party, I'm so really greatful"

"Daughters don't have to thank their mothers,you're my daughter and I'll go to the edge of the world for you Zaynab"

She smiled and hugged her again.

"I'll go get lunch ready for you,mean while you can pray here since it's already time for zuhr"

"Alright"she said

She went into the bathroom.She performed ablution and took the praying mat and hijab she kept for me.She wore the hijab and spread the mat,and stood up to pray.

She was in her last raka'at doing ruku'u when the door opened but she couldn't see who was it since She was praying ,when She stood up the person already turned their back to leave ,she could only see his back face me since the door is her kiblah.She finished praying,when aunty sent the maid to call her.

She tied her headgear the way she did before she grabbed her veil and drapped on her body and then grabbed her bag and phone.
She came downstairs, and saw uncle and aunty at the dining, and she asked her to join,which she did before she took a seat,She sure heard a masculine voice leaving the living room.

She's sure that's Aunty's son,and he confirmed it when he said Mum "I'll be right back"But...he sauntered out before aunty could finish.

They ate silently and she packed the plates even after aunty told her the maid is going to do that ,She then announced She was leaving and Aunty and Uncle escorted her to the parking lot and showered blessings on her before She got into the car and zoomed off.

My daddy also Bought a maybach for me😩😂,Wallahi Zaynab is a sweetheart and I know Bello's parent are already loving it.

I'm tired of the hide and seek game,I'm really am😩.


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