Chapter 17.

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He woke up upon the sound of the adhan called from a nearby mosque then he went to the mosque performed ablution and pray.He then decided to go for a run.He left the house then changed his mind.He came back home and drive to the gym Instead.

He reached the gym and spotted fawaz at the parking lot.He walked up to him and they exchanged pleasantries before walking in to the gym.They exercise and gisted all through until his phone rang.He answers the call while Bello rest for a while.Apparently he's on a video call with his sister n her best friend.

"Yaya you're a dumbo"he heard from the background and then she chuckled. He was right behind Fawaz but he didn't see her because he was wiping his face with a face towel. he like her laughter already he smiled ,he didn't know their call ended and fawaz was already asking what's making him smile.

He chuckled and said they should leave and he proposed they should go to polo in the evening.The both bade each other goodbye before entering their respective cars.Bello drove home smiling about Fawaz sister's laughter ,he knew that's insane but He can't help it.

"Salaam Alaykum Good morning precious people"
He greeted his parents who are already on the dining table,they both responded and his mum gave him a side hug before sitting himdown and serving him the yummiest crepes in the world.
He dug in and kept smiling throughout the meal,so his mum called out to him but he kept smiling like a loon to even hear her calling out to him,oh he's been swept off.

She waved her hands and he jolted back from his dream land.

He scratched the back of his head and said;
"Mum err errr "He trailed
"What is it son",she asked
He kept mute and his dad signalled him to talk and continue to scratch the back of his head;
"Well,erm err can you show me the picture of your daughter please?",
"And why is that?",his mum asked

"Maybe he has fallen for her "dad said

"Ahh you guys are unbelievable "He said and smirked.

"Then tell us why you want to see her photo all of a sudden."

"Well today at gym,I and Fawaz were together,so his sister called and I heard her voice,so just wanted to see what she looked like"

"Okay I see,but you'll have to ask her yourself,his dad said"He continued smiling and his mum nudged his dad and they were giving him mysterious looks.

"I saw that,mum and dad and I know that look on your faces,so I'm out of here"He left the dining area and grab his car key.

"Come back here boy "my mum said.

"Sorry mum I'm running late for work"

"Bye see you later. "

With that he sauntered outta the house and went to the parking lot and drove off to work.

He has been in the office for only two hours and He felt the need to go and ask Fawaz about his lovely sister.
He wrapped things quickly and drove to Fawaz office,he arrive shortly and went into building,his secretary told him ,he was holding a meeting in the conference room and that he should wait in his office.
He sat on one of the couches in his office and decided to do some dealings on his tab.He didn't noticed almost two hours has passed.

"Salaam bro" fawaz entered with a salaam.

"Wa Alayka salaam "He answered and they did their bro hug.

"Don Allah yi hakuri,I was caught in the conference meeting and I kept you waiting"

"It's no big deal,I was also working on my tab to pass time"he said.

They duo catch up on sports especially football,business,life in general and even relationships.

"So baba who are you dating or are you single,"He asked fawaz.

"No one guy,imma single and not ready to mingle"

"Kai haba ,nifa I'm scared them Baba will get me married to someone soon,because he gave me an ultimatum".

"But bro,you can reason with them that you're yet to find a girl of your choice or ....."

"Or what?",he questioned looking at fawaz with a smirk on his face.

"We marry you to my darling sister ,I think you guys are gonna be the perfect match,"he said.

"Fawaz I don't know,I don't even know your sister literally I knew her when she was just a baby before I left the country,and on the other hand my cousin Jadwa is obsessed with me and I don't have feelings for her"

"No big deal,I can make connection with my sister for you"

"First,show me her photo guy I've heard many compliments about her beauty and good nature from my mum"

"Okay,let me show you a photo of her",he said.Deep down his heart is already doing Deja'vu and he scrolled through the gallery.

"Ehen,I found my favorite photo of her ,here see it.
He was about to collect the phone when the phone started ringing and he motioned for him to answer.

He answered and it happens the some clients were at the office waiting for Bello and they couldn't reach him,so the office thought to give Fawaz a could because he told secretary he'll be at fawaz's.

He hurriedly stood up and grab his keys , fawaz was saying something about the photo but he was already out of the office to even hear him out.
He reached his office and held the meeting for an hour, settled with some clients before he went to the masjid to pray Asr because it was prayer time.

After praying,he went through his phone only to receive text messages and missed calls from Jadwa.

"Hey love,I'm going for a 10 days vacay prague,and London,please come and see me before I leave"!
He sighed and made a mental note to see

Office was over hours ago,and he's currently in hus car waiting for Jadwa to come out of her house so they'll go to the restaurant,He hate to admit but it looks like he's taking her on a date.
He watched Jadwa keenly as she Came out of her house and walked to the passenger's side.

She opened the door and got in smiling like an idiot, "hey"!,she waved at him.

"Here comes my girl" He said and she smiled.

"What's up couz?,she sighed because he called her couz and not with some endearment.

The car ride was a silent one and no one said a word till they arrived.They arrived at the the restaurant and walked in,not without missing the side glance from people at the restaurant.
They sat and waited for our order to be brought before they dug in and chit chatted.

"Jadwa why the sudden need to go on a vacation"?

"Nothing,baby girl needs a vacation and some fresh air"

" Ah,so the air in this country isn't fresh,Abi"?

"Yes B,I just need some calm and I'm not getting any calm and fresh air in this country".

They continued talking and time has passed on.The date was over and the its already getting late.
They got in the car and drove to Jadwa's house,he dropped Jadwa and told her he's send a little something to her account.

"Toh jadu,Enjoy your get away and please be a good girl.She alighted the car and went in,and he drove home.

He was lying comfortably on the bed and his phone began ringing ,checked the caller ID and it was Fawaz calling.

"Yane baba,what happened you didn't called about the polo I proposed"

"Wallahi I went on a date with Jadwa,so I couldn't make it"

"Oh,that's cool.....good night"

His mind drifted to how fawaz responded about him and Jadwa had a date.He hope he doesn't think otherwise.
He shrugged the thought and slept off.

I know it's been forever,this is my first update this year.


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