Chapter 35

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"Kullu nafsin zaa'ikatul mawt"(indeed every soul shall test death),Allah has already told us this verse and it was left for us to accept our fate with good faith.Knowingly,losing our loved ones is a terrible experience really but in the process we have to learn to live without them in our lives and move on and that doesn't mean we are asked to forget them.Our love for them will continue in the form of prayers we prayed for me.

In the lives of her loved ones,Amani's chapter was closed over several months ago,and they have struggled to learn to let go and move on.

Zaynab is in her last trimester now,she had the family buzzing around especially Amani's mother.Fawaz's spend his leisure time at his sister's everyday,it's a habit.

All the happiness she deserves and the love and care she always get,Bello suggest Khadeejah Farhan's sister to be friends with Zaynab and then she has Yasmin remember Hammad's mum and Bello's cousin,then Nafeesah Nafiu's wife,and now Abdul's wife Zaynab also became her friends.A couple more of nice girls to support her Iftihaan ,Maryam and Jadwa the two former are Jadwa's step sister from her mom's first marriage.Zaynab did gain a lot of nice people in her friends tribe,they were all keepers.

Talking about Jadwa ,she barged into to their home a couple of months ago and confessed to her crimes,and beseeched for forgiveness,Zaynab being Zaynab with the enormous heart forgave her even though her husband was reluctant on doing so,but she managed to convince him to forgive his cousin.

He said "I'm only forgiving for my wife's sake"

Now that all is well that ends well,Jadwa has been engaged 3 weeks ago to Rabiu M. One of Bello's intimate friend,and they are set to get married by January next year.

Today,the girls organize a surprise baby shower planned by it's picnic.Zaynab has been whining about going out since they inform her,Khadeejah had her dolled up for the event and her husband took her to the event.

Zaynab cried when she saw all the stuff they girls managed to pull up and all of her favorite people present,she missed Amani and she prayed for her and didn't sulk in the moment.

The played many parents to be games,while the were still playing ,Khadeejah ask a question

"Who will be your child favorite aunt?"she asked smiling

Before she could answer,her brother beat her to it and he said

"You of course,Khadeejah you"the duo locked eyes before the tear the gaze away to avoid awkwardness.

The games played out and now it's time for gender reveal,Bello and Zaynab revealed they were having a baby girl.At the end of the party Fawaz said he has an announcement;

"Guys I know we all had a great evening but what's more fun it's what I'm about to say,I'm ready to move on and get married and I have chosen a girl"

Everyone gasped among themselves,because this is definitely a surprised and a shocker especially to his sister and parents and no one could say Fawaz can ever move on.He brought out a tiny box from his pocket and went one knee...

"Khadeejah whatever it is your soul is made up,yours and mine are the same,will you do the hour of making me the happiest man on earth?"

Khady's eyes glistened with tears of joy and she stretched her hands to him and nodded,fireworks out of no where lit the sky and wrote "she said yes"

"My water broke"Zaynab screamed and her husband carried her to the car as other followed.

One hour later,the LR corridor was filled with the cry of a tiny human.

"Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar"was the only thing her friends and family chorused.

Zaynab and Bello's daughter has been born to this world.A little baby to lighten their lives,the families of Imran,Muhammad and that of Amani's are truly blessed.

Once the doctors announced she's been moved to the wards,the families sprint to see their new bundle of joy.

Bouquets of flowers,balloons and teddy were all over the room in honor of the newly born.The family had a good time at the hospital especially when Bello first held his daughter,he said;

"Why are you so fine my Amani",The whole room chuckled with everyone wiping their tears by the corner of their eyes

"I have named her after my mother,but we are all going to call her our Amani"

Fawaz hugged him and Zaynab joined in,so did their parents,while others clicked photos of the moment and send it to their instagram.

After everyone left,Bello share a little family time with their baby and his wife.The best phases of their lives have really began with Amani.

"I love you Amani's mom"she said kissing her passionately

"I love you perv"she side hugged him.

Three days later she was discharged and her whole tribes (friends),came one after the other with their trolleys,Amani is such a light,she indeed Amani (inspiration from Allah).

The Bello household has been bustling in and out with well wishers,on the 5th day of Amani's birth,Zaynab's in laws came with their relatives with the kayan suna (clothes and baby stuff given to the mother and newly born),6 boxes were gifted by Bello,6 by his parents to their daughter in-law,the all the baby stuff you could imagine for their first grandchild.

There several things gifted by Jadwa and Yasmin too,then came Khadeejah,Maryam,Ifty,Nafeesah,Zaynab(Abdul's wife),Ayush's gifts.That's not all Fawaz had a whole room at his sister's house decorated and filled with baby stuff,he made her a nursery.

Bello came forward with some documents,a gift she'll cherish forever the document to her first restaurant,Fawaz handed her another,its a document for her pastry shop.Then another token her dad started a foundation in the late Amani and new baby Amani's name.Believe me that's not all,her father-in-law is opening up a culinary academy for her.Then came Late Amani's mum with Gold and diamond jewelries for her and the baby.

A salaam interrupted them,when Bello's friend trooped in and congratulated them.Rabiu,Jadwa's fiancé handed her a bag,she passed it to Zaynab on their behalf it was 10 million naira in dollar cash.They didn't stop,Zaynab's Maternal aunties gifted her a land cruiser 2022 edition.

Zaynab did not only thank them,she cried for all these blessings all her dreams came through.Indeed she believed that dreams comes true even after waking up from your sleep.

Amani is her lucky charm,her birth has paved many opportunities and blessings for her Mother.Alhamdulillah was the only word Zaynab kept uttering.

Two days later,the naming ceremony took place,The baby was after her paternal grandmother Nana Fatima (Amani),it was an event of grandeur and glamor.The newly born was showered with blessings and gift.At the end of the day,the dj played happy day by patoranking and all danced to their hearts content.



Alhamdulillah!,which of Allah's favours will you deny?!,Indeed the families of WIFY have been blessed once gain,Amani their lucky charm! And yes dreams come true,just trust Allah,word hard,pray hard and hang in there.

Who saw the double update coming?😂

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