Chapter 4

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Abuja,Nigeria .

No one will believe it's been 6 months now and everything has been going smoothly and accordingly.
Zaynab's Graduation is a day after tomorrow, while Amani's is a week later.Fawaz has been a good son and CEO,he's been taking to businesses to new heights which are now trends on news and all media,same goes to Bello and but he didn't succeed in finding the scent owner.Al'amin is also coming back tomorrow after completing the project as he promised.


Her graduation is in 2 days time,and her parents haven't spoken to her about coming to her convocation ceremony.
She was in a bad mood and she didn't notice when Farah came in.

"Oh Hallo!"she waved her hands at her face and brought her back from the train of my thoughts.

"Hey Farah",she said and she placed her hands akimbo and said

" is it now that you've noticed I was here standing in front of you since forever"

"I'm sorry I was just in a bad mood when you came in,that I didn't even noticed"

"So what's up with your mood?"

Farah,She took both her hands in mine and said;

"It's two days to our convocation ceremony and my parents haven't talked about coming, I don't know what I've done to them to deserve this"!

"Don't say that please,have you spoken to them?"she asked.

"No I haven't"

"Please do,and ask them if they'll be able to make it not,but for now get ready we're exploring this city today"

She set the bubble bath for her,Zaynab had a long bath before stepping out.She wore a beige and purple abaya, applied a little make up and grabbed her LV bag and phone.

They started by going to a park where they met Ashraf and his friend Nur Ahmad Khmer ,then the museum,to a local market,to a candy shop,then home. They had alot of fun and made memories.

She came home and was so exhausted,She showered and packed a few things and those things She'll be giving the maid.Tomorrow she's coming to pack all the furnitures,since she'll no longer gonna stay in Malaysia, She won't need them any more.After the little packing, she showered and slept off.


Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, after six good months he is returning home and with his promised fulfilled and goals accomplished. He is proud of myself.

He woke up as early as 4am because his flight is by 6am,she packed only what he'll be needing and most importantly all documents,and his devices because he don't know when he's coming to Malaysia again.

He showered,prayed and got ready.Then locked everywhere and gave the house keeper the spare keys to the house.The driver was already waiting for him ,when he stepped out he helped his with his luggage and they drove to the airport.

Nigeria, Abuja
Five hours later,
They landed and he made his way outta of the airport. Bello and his family were there to pick him and He couldn't hide his excitement.

He enveloped his mum in a big hug and his sister Khadeejah join in.

"Welcome back my son,Alhamdulillah"!

"I'm happy to be home again"

"Mr B!",He gave Bello a manly hug and they exchanged pleasantries before driving out of the airport.

When Bello dropped them,he left immediately and couldn't join the family lunch because he got an urgent call and had to leave.

He went into his apartment, and everything was sparkling clean even more than he left it 6 months ago.

He showered and wore a jallabiya before slumping to bed since he has eaten in the main house.
At around 4pm,he woke up,prayed asr and went to the main house,to give everyone their gifts.

"Salaam Everybody,"he said and his mum smiled.

"Wa Alayka Salaam son"!

"Have a seat "she said,and he sat on the couch opposite his mum.

He passed her a bag of praying mats, perfumes,wrist watch,a Hermes hand bag and shoes.

He called upon his sister who came down eating samosas,and sat beside him.He passed her her own gifts and she started jumping up and down like a child.

"Really Ya Al'amin , you got all this for me?,An iPhone 11 pro,Kylie cosmetic, eye shadow from stormi collections, Vinci shoes and lv bags, all for me..."

"Yes Khadeejah,All are for you my little girl."

"I won't say anything you've made my day already"!

"May Allah keep blessing my son,I wish your dad was here to see his son become a responsible man.I know he would have been proud"

"May His Soul rest in Jannatul firdaus ,and they all chorused Amin"!

And that's how they spent of the day gisting, watching movies and all.

They had dinner and Everyone was tired ,so they retired for the night.

How would you feel if you're studying in another country and it's your graduation and none of your family said anything to you or plans to come over.

I know it's heartwrecking😩💔,and that's exactly how Zaynab feel rn.

Alhamdulillah Al'amin is back after completing the project as he promised.

I'm so eager to find out if Zaynab's family will come to her graduation ceremony.

Don't forget to vote,comments and share this book with all your folks.

Love Islaha _x

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